Personal Narrative: My Grandma

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Loving, friendly, and capable describe my Grandma perfectly. My Grandma is 65 years old. She grew up in New Bremen but now lives in Celina. She has four boys Greg, Alan, Eric, and Ben. My Grandma is special to me because she is loving, friendly, and capable. Loving is an understatement for what my grandma is to my family. She makes sure she is at most of our sports games. She comes to almost all of my soccer games, even if they are far away. She comes to mine and my brother’s hockey games no matter how cold. I appreciate that so much because some of the time my parents are not there for a couple games in a row, and I like that I have someone there to cheer me on. When we are at our hockey games she will go up to anyone and talk about pretty much anything. When she is at our hockey games she will talk to the person next to her about the game, their day, or their children. I hope when I grow up I care enough about people to talk to them about anything they want. My Grandma will drop almost anything to help her family out. Sometimes she will be one her computer doing stuff for her photography club and come into the other room to play with my sister. Someday, I would like to be as loving towards my family, that I will make time in my day to support my family. Someday I want to be as loving as my Grandma, I also would …show more content…

She is so friendly she will talk to any person even complete strangers. She will talk to anyone during our games, sometimes for the whole game, about their kids or their past. I would like to be friendly enough to take time to get to know someone. Also, my Grandma points out the positive in the negative. She will point out the positive or the good things we did in a game even if we lost. My Grandma is gentle with our emotions. If we lose a game she will encourage us so we don’t get angry or feel sad. My Grandma is one of the most friendly people I know, I also find her one of the most capable people I

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