Eulogy for Grandmother
My grandmother was a strong woman. No matter how strained my families’ relationship could be at times, I loved her unconditionally. She was the woman who would buy me gallons of ice cream and soda frustrating my mother to no end. Whenever I spent the night she would let me stay up as late as I wanted watching TV. Crossing the street to my grandparents’ house was a daily event, which I looked forward to every morning I woke up.
There was the day when my Mom had to many things to do to take me to see the Clydesdale Horses. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time. I had spent the whole day moping around the farm not telling anyone why I was so upset. To cheer me up grandma took me with her to drop off Woodruff, one of the farm hands who lived in town. I lay in the back of her huge station wagon, crying to myself as we past Main Street. Woodruff was hearing impaired, he also lacked the ability to effectively speak. Somehow he communicated to grandmother something was wrong. Needless to say my grandmother dropped Woodruff off and marched me down to Main Street to see those horses. Like a good grandmother should, she spoiled her grandson to no end.
In a way she really shaped who I was to become. Around 12 I wanted to start skateboarding so badly. My mother would not allow it. I secretly saved money to buy a used set up from an older kid in school. My grandmother, although completely against the idea of me doing it, hid my board in her closet every day for weeks until she finally told my mom I was skating. Anyone who knows me realizes that skating pretty much shaped my teen years and even early adulthood. I can’t think about who I am today without thinking of her.
She brought me to the hospital more times then I can count. If it wasn’t asthma it was for some type of stitches. Once she calmly picked me up after phoning to tell her I put an Ax in my leg. She was calm and collective the entire time. She was never judgmental about it, I am sure raising her two sons wasn’t that different. She prodded me about tattoos and being vegetarian, but she always went out of her way to find me something to eat.
I’m glad we have Maurice, my mother’s younger brother here today. Ella, her older sister, unfortunately couldn’t make it, but I know the news of my mothers death hit her hard. And I know that she prayed with all her will, for my mother.
My relationship with my grandmother paved the way of my education, my faith, my success. Her understanding and unconditional love, as well as, faith in me along with my past experiences, helped shape my character today. I am currently a high school graduate, who was ranked number 4 in my class with a 3.79 G.P.A. Not to mention, on a full scholarship to college, and by the end of July have a total of eleven college credits before becoming an official freshman.
The civil rights movement throughout the 1950s, was a threatening turmoil of violence, movements, and social reforms that helped shape America and show the result that men were not all equal. Civil rights still continue to be a struggle today in the United States, but there is a clear image of the forward direction us, as citizens, are going. Several Americans, black and white, protested, demonstrated, and boycotted all over America to end segregation, and gain equality for all. The process of the civil rights movement in the 1950s was a long and hard one, but the full efforts led to improvements in the equality of African-Americans.
Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” revolves around a conversation the mother has with the Dee, the daughter that went off to college and her sister Maggie. A discussion over who is more deserving of the hand stitched quilts sewed together by their mother, Grandmother, and Aunt Dee. During their conversation, both daughters will demonstrate how they appreciate their family quilts, but sadly, we can conclude that only one of the girls illustrates how to appreciate one’s culture. Maggie uses the quilts to remember her Grandmother Dee, while her sister Dee changes her name and only wants to use the quilts to decorate her home.
I was sitting at my small desk in my room when I saw my dad had come home from who knows what, wearing a sad face. He came up to my room with a big red rose. Right then I knew what was going on. I never spent a lot of time with family members who I was not close with. I acknowledged their presence, but I never talked a lot to or about them.
In the story Mama’s first house burned to the ground a decade earlier. The fire is contextually s...
Where do I start? How do I begin a farewell when I still can't believe you're gone? How do I say goodbye to a part of my soul?
I would like to thank you all for coming to Arlyn's funeral. I am truly touched that you care enough to show your support for us and your respect for Arlyn this way.
My mother was a complex, multi-faceted person. Many of you here today knew my mother personally, and many of you knew my mother indirectly through one of her family members. You may have known her as a coworker, a friend, or a support person. Of course, all of my mother’s family here today each knew a part of her, a “facet” of her--as a mother, a sister, an aunt, a grandmother, a cousin.
I believe that every person in, in their own unique way, creates a legacy in their lifetime by which others can live long after that person has left us. For those of us who remain, Mildred Johnson has truly created a legacy to uphold and fulfill in our daily lives. I firmly believe that this carrying out is a true honor and responsibility by means of the various facets that Mildred has made her own.
Before I begin I would like to thank all of you here on behalf of my mother, my brother and myself, for your efforts large and small to be here today, to help us mark my fathers passing.
She could explain anything to me and I would understand straight away. She helped a lot for my education and always was there to help. My parents knew that she could teach me and show how hard it is these days and how hard I should work. That is why they always made sure I saw her enough but it never was for me.
Site for Container Herb Gardening: Mostly the herbs require at least six hours of ...
I want to thank my mom and dad because they are always there to support me in every decision I make. My mom works so hard to support me and my two siblings since we were little. She sacrifice a lot for us to have a good life and to have a good education. My mom is from the Philippines and went to HongKong to work and fulfill our needs, she sacrifice her life and time for us. When she was offered to work here in Canada she accepted the offer and though of bringing us here, since there are a lot of opportunity for us here.She worked two years in Hongkong and six years in Canada, she's been away for us for eight years she did not mind doing it because she needs to be there for us. She always think of our future and our lives first before her.
Being around her I was always nurtured and felt much love, I felt safe. My grandmother presence has affected me in a positive way. I feel as though the effects are great; my learning experience is one that sacrificed for anything. She continues to inspire me to become successful and finish college no matter what. My grandmother is a business lady and someday soon I will have a business of my own. I have learned so much from my grandmother; I can take these lessons and have a bright, rich and successful future because of them. I have received so much love from her and I thank her for that each and every day. It’s not a day that goes by that we don’t speak and every day she inspires me to do better and push harder in my studies. I really appreciate everything that she has taught me and I have nothing but the up-most respect for this lady…Selena