Personal Narrative: My Graduating High School

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Graduating high school was one of my successful experiences that I have had in my previous years. It was such an eventful time full of knowledge, dedication, and inspiration. Having teachers that showed compassion for their students are one of the reasons why many of us have a diploma. They pushed me to have above average grades, because they knew that I had all the potential in the world to be successful. It seemed as if there was so many classes to take but so little time to do it. On top of school I was a dancer performing at every pep rally and football game on Friday nights. Although, I could not just give up every time I got stressed out or times got hard. I had to push through if I wanted to make my parents proud. Coming in early and staying afterschool for tutorials was my main priority. I knew that graduating would be even more successful, because I put in the hard work to do so. …show more content…

There are many things that could have prevented me from walking across that stage, but I kept pushing through. I had a very rough Junior year with Algebra. Math was never my strong suit, and to have to take a test that could prevent me from graduating with my class had me worried. I studied and prayed as hard as I could that I would get those test results back saying that I had passed. I had very high hopes until I opened the letter that said I missed passing by one question.
I had one more chance to retake it and still be able to finish out my high school days with my classmates. I just could not stand the fact of being left behind. So I went to even more tutorials, and even did some online practices. I just could not let one question prevent me from having a successful future. I learned so many wonderful qualities about myself during that very moment in time. I was such a dedicated person, to persevere I had to reflect back on my purpose in

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