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Introduction: self esteem
Introduction: self esteem
Introduction: self esteem
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This is me. Staring into the barrel of the photographer’s camera lens, trying desperately to fake a smile. At that age, this is probably as close as I ever got to smiling at the soccer pitch. That half smile, half frown, while contemplating why I was really there. “You need a spring sport”, were the words of my parents, who “didn’t understand” how hard it was to dive headfirst into a new sport. I would have been a lot happier if I had a pair of hockey skates on. In 2013, I was a lousy soccer player, and I knew it. This was my first year of playing the sport since the age of five, and I myself at eleven was ready to quit before the first practice ended. By some miracle I had made the competitive team, and ironically, I wasn’t very competitive …show more content…
The negative impact of my play on the pitch brought my team down, and I knew that without being told; regardless, it was implied through my coaches patient instruction. There were times were positive comments were made to help boost my ebbing confidence, but it was noticeable their encouragement was forced. After two years of frustration and self-pity, I was called up to play with the “Excelsior” team due to a shortage of top tier players. The amount of players per side increased in that age group, and I resultingly crawled my way onto a team with the “good players”. I was so ecstatic I had forgotten that I was the least skilled, and I got on the field thinking that I was as good as the next player. Surprisingly I played like it, and it was with that mindset that I became this athlete four years later, smiling like an idiot on photo day. Either the sports photographer got a whole lot friendlier in the past four years, or I got a lot better. As soon as I I thought I could compete well, I did, and before I knew it, I found myself in the starting line-up. I no longer hated King’s Park field, for smiles like this one became effortless. Looking back at the sideways frown from my twelve year old picture, I can’t imagine being able to play while beating myself up over every mistake. Each criticism only made me more determined to play better, instead of less determined to show up to
When the coach turned his head, the seven-year-old stuck a finger down his throat and made himself vomit. When the coach fumed back, the boy pointed to the ground and told him, “Yes, there it is, Coach. See?” (Tosches A33).It emphasizes the fact that if a child gets hurt once, they will fear the possibility of getting hurt again ,so they try to find excuses to prevent themselves from playing the game.Second,Statsky states how competitive adults have drained the fun out of children's sports and made the game unappealing for children.She cites Martin Rablovsky, a former sports editor for the New York Times says that in all his years of watching young children play organized sports, he has noticed very few of them smiling. “I’ve seen children enjoying a spontaneous pre-practice scrimmage become somber and serious when the coach’s whistle blows,” Rablovsky says. “The spirit of play suddenly disappears, and sport becomes job-like” (qtd in Coakley 94). It shows the fact that competitive adults are oblivious to their actions and don't notice that what they are doing can really affect a child mentally.Third, Statsky is concerned that competitive sports will lower a child's self-esteem and make them lack confidence.’’Like adults, children fear failure, and so even those with good physical skills may stay away because they lack
As more of my teammates began to show up, I recognized most of them. However, I learned later that if I went on to play in the Spring, this would not be the same exact team I would play with. With only twenty minutes until we began,I put on all of my gear and my dad gave me a thorough warm up. Time seemed to fly by, and before I knew it, everyone was gathered together as positions were being assigned. I was originally overwhelmed with excitement, but as the game drew closer, the joy I had felt was replaced with anxiety. The lacrosse game taking place before ours ended and we entered and took our place on our bench. I recognized the opposing team’s jerseys quickly and identified them as a travel team from our area. Taking one final breath, I rushed into the lacrosse net enjoying my bird’s eye view, unsure of what was to
Youth Soccer has evolved into a fiercely competitive arena. More and more children are leaving recreational leagues to play in highly competitive select leagues. Select leagues are made up of teams, which players must tryout or be selected to play for. I had the unfortunate task of being an evaluator at such a tryout. Fifty ten-year-old boys had come out for a three day tryout in which forty five of them were placed on three teams. Cuts were made on the field and for those boys who had made a team it was a very exciting, but for the five boys who were cut it was absolutely heartbreaking. Had the children been older they might have been able to deal with the disappointment better, but for most of them it was their first real experience with public "failure". Select leagues have the potential to teach and promote important life skills such as hard work,...
After four years of a new team every season, I went into my first practice of my fifth soccer season expecting the same to be true. Play on this team for one year and then be randomly placed on a different one the following year. Little did I know this team, especially the coaches, would leave a lasting impact on my life. I gained an invaluable support system that has stuck by my side for an upwards of nine years.
I felt depleted, I thought that I had finally gotten the hang of my emotions on the court. In return she stated, “Mistakes will always happen, you can't ignore them, but you also can't get caught up in them. I know it is hard, but you have to learn because that is how you get better in sports if you want to continue playing.” This thought whirled around my head for the following months; if I wanted to really excel in volleyball I had to finally fix my attitude, for the better.
Overall, my expectations for what Great Neck North would offer me were not even close to what would proceed in the future. The year was filled with joyous occasions, academic success, the acquirement of best friends, flirtatious encounters with the opposite sex, and most importantly leading the Great Neck North basketball team to its first playoff appearance. In essence, as I reminisce over my first year of public school, a framed photograph of my 8th grade basketball team has assisted me in reliving the wonderful experience I encountered throughout that time.... ... middle of paper ...
All the pressure i had put on me caused me to act out and not be myself. I constantly was in a battle between myself due to the pressure I was under, i just felt I couldn't be myself. Surely as that year went on I came into myself and that developed on into the next year. My junior year I was able to just be me, I no longer had to try so hard to be something else. I felt such a great deal of pressure fall off my once heavy shoulders. I was now at peace with myself, which really helped me do my job better. With those transitions i now found the game to be fun once again no longer was it just a job, no longer was it something i went out and did with fear in my eyes. I was myself just that fun loving guard from long island, and my game really showed. I always will remember my junior year as one of the best years of my young life. That year i feel was the turning point for me, the start of a beautiful journey in not only the game of basketball but in the game of
After playing three years in the recreational league, I naively believed that my stud-like skills were needed for bigger and better things. Unfortunately, no one told me that I would be the shortest girl at the travel team tryout, by at least 5 inches. Needless to say, I did not make the cut; however, that did not stop me from trying out again, and again, and again. I could not wrap my 11-year-old mind around why I was not qualified to earn a spot on the team. I was the go-to-girl in the recreational league. Heck, I was voted MVP every year.
In that point, I had lost my self-confidences. While I was trying to learn how to play soccer, they yelled at me and if somebody yells at you while you are trying to get better at something your self-confidences will automatic going to lose. They should have encouraged me to play harder every time or try your best but they did not. Every time I try to participate in other activities, I get afraid because I do not know the same thing to happen
However, I still was nervous and very hesitant when I went to my first varsity high school football practice. All the coaches looked at me as if I were an outsider. I had already been looked at as a player that wasn't gonna make it. I watched how the upperclassmen would act like they had more power or could disrespect the coaches. The players wouldn't give as much effort as me and because I had not made the team yet I had to work ten time harder. I prayed before every practice that I’d get better to prove to myself and to everybody who doubted me and said I couldn't make the team. When tryouts came, I played outstanding and had earned myself a spot on the team and had gained respect from the coaches and players due to my determination.
In the year 2012 I became a freshman at Thomas Stone High School. The year 2012 marked the start of timeline that I knew would be one of the greatest of my life. I started my tenure of high school sports with basketball. When I began to play sports at the high school level, I didn’t realize it would shape me into the person I am today. I didn’t realize that sports would not only evolve me into the captain of a team but, the captain of my future.
“Sonia, do you think you’re good to play this game?” asks Coach Cebula, or “Bula” as the girls on the soccer team call him, at the end of the JV game we had just won.
Sometimes days mesh together and every day seems the same, like an endless loop you can not break. Nothing happens or everything happens that you do not think it matters so just go with it like it is nothing, but then you have that moment that snaps you out of it and you feel like yourself again. I have never had talent, none, a lot of people would argue that, but all that they see is the hard work I put into things. I am not the best soccer player, but I work hard and I am rough and that gets the job done. I am not the best person in band, not the best marcher, I am not the best player in the world, but I try.
Eventually, our fourth game arrived. Minutes before the game, they were sitting down proclaiming that we lost as the coach wasn’t at the game yet. My teammates already decided that they were defeated. I had enough as yelling to them a short speech. In summary, I told them everyone was tired of losing and to stop giving up mentally. They eventually got up and started warming up. it felt good knowing how I just move my teammates. I thought my speech was the turning point in the season toward winning. Sadly we lost again, but by only two scores. This was the closest score, we had this season.
Recent discussion over competitive sports has sparked reexamination of competition’s effects on the development of professional athletes. Proponents of competitive sports cite various benefits including improved “fitness” and “health”, along with the acquisition of a finer “sense of self through increased perceived competence, self-esteem, and self-confidence” (Gatz, Messner, Ball-Rokeach 31). How does this occur? Competition acts like a ladder, forcing an ever changing “rung on a ladder” that participants must reach to obtain victory. The possibilities of this “rung on a ladder” can range from shooting technique and quickness to strength and flexibility. A prime example of competition’s positive ef...