Personal Narrative: How A Dog Changed My Life

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It was hours before my dog had to be put down. I was just coming home from school. I saw two cars and I ran in the house and saw a vet a, my mom and my dog . I asked what was going on and they said she has to be put down, but you can play with her for some hours then she has to be put down. I was upset, so I ran to my dog and lay with her and then my mom picked me up and said it is time for her to be put down. Me and my mom were crying. The vet had a needle in her hand and she put my dog to sleep [death]. I ran to my dog and laid there with her and I did not want to get off her. I cried for days. I had my dog since I was born . She was my fav dog ever. Me and her were good friends. I did not want another dog, but her because she was so special to …show more content…

I would lay with her when I was sad. But now she is gone, I do not know what to do without her. She would always protect me when someone is trying to hurt me. She was my angel and never mean to me. She was getting really old because we had her since I was born. My mom got her for my first birthday. I was so happy when we got her. She was my fav dog and she always lay with me at night. I was never sad when I was around her. She was golden and had long hair, she was soft, big. I would always stay in my room and never would come out of my room. I was so young when she died. My mom was sad and I was too, because all the boys were out of town. My mom did not know what to say to them when they came back. I was just staying in my room the whole summer. My brothers and dad came home and saw me and my mom sad and they asked why we were sad. My mom said, because the dog got put down to sleep [death]. My whole family was sad that she was dead. We were sad the whole summer. My dog was the only dog that my family wanted and no other dog. I never wanted another dog at all so did my family. I had to take down all of my stuff that was about my dog. My room had pictures of my dog all around my

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