Personal Narrative Essay: The Oregon Trail

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I'm Jeffery the oxe and I recently completed the Oregon trail. In the beginning we started in Saint Louis, Missouri. We were waiting on the field for my food to grow, then I would be free fed.
After three weeks of waiting for the grass to grow, it finally sprouted up and we started our journey for Oregon. After the first towns in the beginning, The people guiding me began to throw materials out of the back of the wagon. That's when I noticed that their was all sorts of stuff scattering the trail. That night, my guiders unloaded a pile of assorted materials. In the morning, not to my surprise the wagon was lighter and easier to move. The journy was very dry for the next few weeks it was very dry, except when we hit these little towns. We would stop for no more than a day to stock up on energy, then keep on walking. …show more content…

My guiders and I were excited when we hit Fort Carson. They were the first buildings we had seen in weeks. As we were walking their was a sudden shot, then I heard something hit the ground. In the next few moments, my main guider had grabbed one of the smaller guiders ,and threw him in the steering seat with anger. After that incident, I never saw my main feeder again, just the smaller guiders feed me.
Today we hit a long and rushing river, that I overheard was called Laromy river. The first few steps were simple, then the current started to push. I had made it to the other side of the river, when I heard a scream, and I saw one of the guiders being swept down the stream. In an instant they were gone. The dripping survivors and I were welcomed with a group of soldiers with towels. The soldiers lead us to buildings where we could sleep the night. That night I was feed the soft bedding hay, and they gave me clean good tasting

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