Personal Narrative Essay

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There was a point in life where I would use the word loner to describe myself. However I've learned that enjoying being alone doesn't necessarily make me a loner.Like most people I wasn't born into an entirely functional family. Although some people, at least had a support system at home, I didn't. And although I was surrounded by people who had more than enough help and support, I continued to persevere, In all aspects of life. I was forced to face alone the cruelty of the world, including bullying, abuse and most anything you could imagine, All of which I have overcome. These various triumphs and successes have led me to the realization that I'm, in fact, not a loner. I am independent.
One event that has particularly shaped my personality would be when my mother gave custody of my sister and I over to my great aunt, Janie. In fact, one of my earliest memories is being present the court room when the final documents regarding our custody were signed. I remember feeling a since of abandonment even at such a young age. I was no older than seven years old and even then I could understand the nature of what was happening.My aunt, Janie relapsed into a deep drug addiction within months of have being granted all maternal rights towards my sister and I. At hat point survival became first nature for the two of us, with the understanding that we could …show more content…

Also as the years progressed my aunt grew stronger in her addiction, causing my sister and I to grow up rather fast compared to our peers. Approaching our teenager years my sister began to experience abandonment issues and as a result she began to runaway on a regular basis until my aunt decided to ship her away, to my mother, in Milwaukee. During the time in her life that she became a habitual runaway I began to feel a since of abandonment from her. It was then that I became the independent person that I remain

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