Tchaikovsky And Solitude Essay

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“Tchaikovsky & Solitude” is the name of one of my favorite songs by Miniature Tigers. I think I simply am drawn by the title, that although so short, I find very relatable. It encapsulates how I have spent, and spend most of my free time. In solitude, occupied with books, music, movies, crafts, or whatever else I am engulfed in at that moment. To many, being alone is frightening, and automatically inspires feelings of desolation. For me, being alone does not equate being lonely, but is rather a gift. As a child, my parents constantly worried about me. For many reasons, like most parents, but mainly because of my quiet and withdrawn personality. Teachers would congratulate my mother because of my outstanding grades, and then proceed to alarmingly ask my mother if something was wrong with me that kept me from talking in class or making friends. My older sister was the only person who thought I was loud and outgoing. At home, I would …show more content…

I learned many things about myself and the world around me that shaped my way of thinking and feeling immensely. Today, I cherish those moments where I can sit in silence on my own and do something that I enjoy, which have become rare amongst the constant homework, a job, school activities, and of course, my friends. I realize that company can be wonderful to inspire and console you when you are not feeling your best, but that is only if the company is one you feel comfortable with. I am still working on voicing my thoughts and feelings to those around me, and on not being afraid to be loud amongst large groups of people, but unlike before, I am aware that these are things I need to improve. At the end of the day, I am still that quiet, smart girl that sat alone for hours lost in a story, song, of puzzle, but I am grateful I have learned to embrace and share my solitude with the

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