Personal Narrative: Class For Faith

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It was no lie that everyone hated school. At certain points in time Faith hated it too, but she couldn’t hate it all the time like others. Faith actually enjoyed waking up in the morning, getting ready, and leaving for school. Waking up meant another day and everyday is a new day. After an accident Faith had when she was younger, that she actually can’t quite remember she started appreciating things more. However Faith couldn’t say the same for her best friend Amelia Chandler. Amelia always had been the type to live in the moment and ignore the “little things” but Faith just adores her. She had been her best friend for years and everything felt right with her by Faith’s side. Faith had a lot of good things and was very fortunate. Class for Faith had started and as her teacher explained the math problem,to the best of her ability, everything in Faith’s body felt off. She couldn’t explain it but the feeling that was forming inside her to run far. far away. So she went with it, Faith’s father had always told her to trust my instincts saying that when he had it led him to where he is today. Faith shot her hand up and very kindly asked the teacher if she could use the restroom. …show more content…

Faith took one calming before exiting the bathroom but as soon as she stepped out, she felt a sicking feeling. That feeling was caused by Death, he was making her feel as if he was ripping her insides out. Faith's eyes shot around scanning every area franticly and it was as if everything slowed down as her eyes fell on a hooded figure. That figure was Death and he stood tall with his scythe in hand, although Faith couldn’t see that. But in that moment as their eyes held each other's, Faith knew everything would change because all though she didn't know who he was whoever he is, he was here for

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