Personal Narrative - Body Image

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Personal Narrative - Body Image

One's body is what makes one who one is. Every inch of someone is what sets a person apart from everyone else. Even though everyone has an opinion about what his or her perfect body would be, changing one's personal features would take away from individuality. I personally would never have plastic surgery because when I look at myself, I do not see a tall, skinny young man with a funny looking nose and big "bug" eyes, but I see a beautifully sculpted masterpiece that God has made just for me. It is a body that gives me character, individuality, and confidence.

In my personal opinion, and I say this as humbly as I can, I am a very good-looking young man. I have a very animated face that goes well with my personality, which is humorous, but in a mature fashion. I can be serious and stare at others with my endless snowflake blue eyes, but if I get too drastic for the mood, it is easy to look at my nose and then laugh to lighten the air. I take pride in the fact that there is no one else on this earth exactly like me. Not just my inner beauty, but my outer beauty makes me different from everyone else. Life would be so boring if everyone looked exactly the same, but what is inside oneself makes one beautiful, not only inside, but outside as well. I personally could not be more content and happy with who I am.

If I were to walk down the street, there would be many different comments going through people's heads as I passed. Some people would find me attractive, and some would find me ugly. Some people might find me sexy, and others might find me skinny and sickly looking. The bottom line is that it does not matter what they think. It only matters what I think because I am the only one in the whole world that has to live with myself.

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