Personal Narrative-Ah-A-Ah-Pull Essay

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“Ah-a-ah-pull”. Sounds of the first letter I learned tumbling over the other members of the alphabet as I try to put the sounds together. Maybe I don’t remember learning to read. I do however remember sounding out words. By far one of the best taught skills in elementary school. Furthest back I can remember it seems as though I have all ways been able to read, if I didn’t know the word. “Soooouuuuunnndddddd it out.” A voice screaming from my subconscious would blurt out. This trick of sounding words out was amazing. It gave me the ability to read actual novels. I can go back to a time where I got my first pair of prescription glasses. (I really didn’t/don’t need them.) I had to be no taller than three feet and nine inches tall, a untamed

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