How To Write An Essay On A Dog Park

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1. It was cold and damp that late afternoon at my house. I went to the barn to saddle my horse and felt a chilly wind pick up. I noticed that the ground was a little wet but didn't think too much about it. I got on my horse and loped him to the roping arena to the south of the house. Just as I was getting ready to rope the calf, my horse stopped and slipped on the mud. He fell over backwards on top of me. My mom had to drag me out from under him. I had to go to the hospital and found out that I broke my pelvis. I was scared to death. But after about two weeks I was able to walk pretty good with crutches. 2. I was at a rodeo one day in late September. It was so hot that the animals were sweating just standing there. The air was so thick that it was hard to breath. I had no idea it got that hot in Oklahoma. I noticed my horse was sweating really bad and acting like he wanted to lay down. I had him tied to the trailer …show more content…

One day I took my dog to the dog park. It was a cool day at the park. The dog park has lots of trees and a stream running through it. My dog loves it there. That day, however, he did not. I was letting him run through the stream and play in the water when all of a sudden a big black dog came out of nowhere and attacked my dog. I didn't know what to do. Finally, I grabbed a bowl that I had brought for water and filled it with water from the stream and threw it on the dogs. They finally quit fighting. 9. I decided to climb the big oak tree in our back yard one day. It was after school and the weather was very nice. I was bored because my friend had to go to a doctor appointment. I started off climbing fast and wasn't paying any attention to where I was climbing. As long as I could reach the next branch, I kept on going. All of a sudden the wind picked up and was making the branch I was on sway back and forth. I looked around and noticed that I was almost to the top of the tree. I panicked and froze. It took at least an hour for me to get back

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