Personal Hygiene: The Role Of Personal Hygiene

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Personal hygiene is important in everyone's life due to its great importance in promoting health and strengthening, and a lot of people still do not realize what is a good personal hygiene and to play in the prevention of many infectious diseases and fungal infections and other whether in the skin or eyes, etc. as they say cleanliness two-thirds of health. In this assignment will be discuss the role of personal hygiene and it poses a positive impact in the fight against infectious diseases, and what the infectious diseases and the risk could be that caused the human life, which is caused by the weakness and lack of personal hygiene, and will learn about the type of infectious disease spread between individuals and society is a scabies. The role of health promotion and the curriculum followed in that it generates and to prevent people from infectious diseases.
“Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites” (None, 2013). It is caused by microorganisms and transmitted from an infected person to another and catch the same disease, and there are several infectious diseases caused by a lack of personal hygiene. Personal hygiene “is all the things we do to keep our bodies clean and healthy”. It is to maintain cleanliness at the body such as the cleanliness of hands and nails, hair, etc. and these areas more prone to capture harmful microbes (Crissey, 2005). There are several infectious diseases related to a lack of personal hygiene which affects the digestive and respiratory system and skin, such as scabies. “Scabies is a skin infection caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei” (Chang et al, 2006). Scabies is a common disease appears in all people and reconstruction affects the skin occurs ...

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...wice daily and to prevent mouth infection and get rid of fungi and microbes (Smith, 2007).
From the above discussion, it has been cleared what is a highly contagious disease which is caused by disturbances microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses which are transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through several factors, including lack of personal hygiene. It discusses what extent the role of health promotion at the individual and the community in raising the health average and the meaning of the educational approach, which is one of the most prominent methods used in the promotion of health and the main objective of this approach and the prevention of infectious diseases, and what it represents in sensitizing people about the importance of personal hygiene and how to reach this goal by applying the principles of hygiene and education for people.

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