Personal Essay: Who Is Affected By Sports?

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Michael Jordan once said “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” This tells us some of the skills of not quitting and determination the sports can teach. Some people think that sports are bad just because they cause a ton of injuries but the outcome of sports outweigh the bad things way more than the good things. Some of the good things that sports can do for your child is teach them valuable life skills such as teamwork, determination,discipline. Sport can also help your kid keep up with a healthy lifestyle. But others say it teaches you how kids very valuable …show more content…

Sports teach discipline because you need discipline to learn the rules and the skills you need to be able to play the sport. When you learn the skills the sport will come easier and discipline will also help you perform better. In the article this tells us how sports teaches us discipline. Some examples are the coach's influence. The coach has a huge influence on the kid and the coach is able to tell the kid what to do and is able to teach the kid valuable life lessons. Some people think the sports are bad because they cause injuries but every little thing you do in life can cause injuries. Sports can teach you so many more things and I think you should worry about the injuries. I can agree with them to with injuries. I have had injuries to but I haven't had any serious ones because they are pretty rare and they chances of getting a serious injury are …show more content…

The most important reason that kids should play sports is that it teaches kids teamwork. For example sports teach kids teamwork because when they are competing they are working together to get a win. There's a saying “We win together and we lose together.” This is just saying that we need teamwork and the teams that don’t have teamwork are always going to lose because everyone's egos are all over the place and the team becomes a destroyed. Teamwork is also taught from sports from when the team is down and they need a leader. Emergenetics International Blog is a website that blogs about anything and they are reliable because they have trusted people writing blogs such as doctors and psychometrics. A psychometric is a The science of measuring mental capacities and processes. They say that when the team needs someone to step up and take control and every team needs a everyone to step up during crunch time and needs to have that teamwork skills they learned and need to be able to work well together. If you don’t have that skill you won’t be able to work well with anyone at all and they will not get a good job because they can’t work well together ("How Sports Can Teach Workplace Leadership Skills." Emergenetics International Blog. N.p., 11 Aug. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2017.) Sports is a great place to learn this valuable skill. I have had a ton of experiences from my team almost losing

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