Personal Essay: Personal Aspects Of Personal Characteristics

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10 Personal Characteristics
1) Kind- In my opinion being kind is the most important characteristic that I have. While being kind may not necessarily carry you to the top of your profession or help earn you a ton of money, it is a characteristic that is directly transferable to everyday life. My parents raised me to treat others with respect and dignity and because of it, I believe I am a better person. Simple, kind acts I have done in life have made others feel good just by being a good person. I remember a time where me and some select members of my high school football team attended a senior citizen living home and accompanied them for their annually senior prom night. We went and talked with them about their past and danced with them in the retirement home and just by showing affection, brought them a lot of joy.
2) Self-reliant- …show more content…

I am incredibly thankful for the people in my life because they have lead me to a promising and fulfilling path in life by guiding me in the right direction. It is an aspiration of mine to provide a similar example to others.
2) Be a good Samaritan- Helping others is something I was raised to do and I want to continue that trend as I grow older. Performing good deeds every day to help others, brings joy and satisfaction to my life.
3) Donate to the community- I want to help volunteer in my community by giving time and energy to important causes. Things like tutoring young children or packaging food for less fortunate families are acts that can go a long way in bettering someone else’s life.
4) Educate myself about problems others are facing- Groups of people around the world constantly deal with problems and face oppression from others that greatly affects their live and wellbeing. I wish to learn and become contentious about their dilemmas to hopefully attempt to alleviate their

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