Personal Analysis Essay: How To Overcoming Trauma

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How to Overcome Trauma

Trauma may describe any event that was really scary, dangerous, or life-threatening that you either experienced or witnessed. Trauma isn't something you can just get over quickly— it requires patience and self-acceptance. You need to thoroughly process your emotions to overcome your trauma, so start by talking about your experience with others. Then, get in tune with your emotions and regain a sense of control with positive coping strategies. If you have trouble overcoming trauma on your own, consult with a professional therapist.
===Getting Social Support===
#Confide in people you trust. Talk about what happened with your closest family and friends. Doing so can reduce the hold the trauma has over you and …show more content…

Take 10 to 15 minutes each day to [[Breathe Deeply | breathe deeply]] and passively observe your emotional experience. Notice how your thoughts and physiological response are connected to your feelings. Act as though you are an impartial witness. Don't try to change the feelings, just let them be what they are. (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --)
#*You might journal about the exercise after it’s done.
#*By doing this [[Be Mindful | mindfulness]] exercise, you can learn to acknowledge, accept and regulate your emotions so that the trauma isn't controlling your life.
#Take positive action. You maybe couldn't control what happened to you, but you can control what happens next. Regain control of your life by using your experience as a stimulus for change in the world around you. (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --)
#*If your home burned down, you might start a campaign to ensure other families in your community have working smoke detectors.
#*If you were raped, you might speak out on behalf of other rape victims or volunteer for a sexual abuse …show more content…

#Challenge negative or faulty thinking in therapy. Professional treatment of traumatic stress typically involves cognitive restructuring exercises that help you identify and change negative thought patterns. (-- removed HTML --)–-self-help-guide (-- removed HTML --)
#*For instance, you might think “I am weak.” Your therapist will work with you to reframe that thought into something like, “It's normal to feel paralyzed when you face danger. I did the best I could.”
#Try gradual exposure. Another method for dealing with traumatic stress is by slowly allowing yourself to re-experience the trauma. With the guidance of your therapist, return to the scene of the event and recreate the sensations you felt when it happened. (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --)
#*You might do this over and over again until the memory of the event evokes less of an emotional or physical

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