Person Centered Reflection Paper

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During skills practice in class, we have predominately focussed on Person-centred theory within our sessions. I was able to set up a good verbal contract with my client covering time limitations and confidentiality, letting them know where we stood straight from the start. In the main part of the session I was able to use the core conditions of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard to establish a good rapport with the client and enabled a relationship based on trust to occur. Adding good SOLER on top of this it allowed the client to feel relaxed and able to open up in session. Having the general person-centred techniques memorized it allowed me to utilize them when and if needed in the session. For example, attempting to stick …show more content…

I have discovered I am rather uncomfortable with silence, that I often feel the need to fill gaps in conversations personally. This is obviously a problem as it could cut into a client's thinking time and prevent them coming to conclusions themselves. I also feel I struggle with keeping conversations going in a natural flowing way, that I often find myself unsure of what to ask next or to get the client to open up more. This is something I am working on by revisiting the base theories and looking up different techniques I can apply in sessions, such a gestalt theory, Johari windows and more mindfulness techniques. However, I feel I excelled in gaining the clients trust by adopting a slightly more casual demeanour, whilst ensuring the boundaries were still in place. Having the more relaxed tone made the client feel the relationship was more equal, allowing them to open up more easily. It is something I will need to monitor in the future given every client is different and whilst one may prefer a slightly more casual tone, another may prefer a more professional one and adapting my tone will be key for building a successful

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