Peer Assessment Essay

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1. When it comes to peer assessments I believe the most important thing is to understand what you are asked to do or talk about in order to avoid going off topic. This is something I learned while studying in Italy. Understand the task and the topic or subject in question; give me, personally the assurance that the person understood the task.
But then, sometimes, there are topics which, are not really specific and gives we student “a free hand “to expatiate or put our focus on a particular aspect of topic in question.
After that being said, the ideas and the organization of the ideas are a big plus, as well as grammar and punctuation. I think after answering or understanding what to do the way you expatiate or re-definite it to your knowledge simply stands for how you see it (your point of view). Then after this comes the way you present it (does it make sense? Can people really understand what you …show more content…

I would like to also add that English grammar can be tricky, I´m used to the British English and sometimes I think some words are misspelled, but they perfectly right when you switch to the American English.
2. Well, we live in the 21st century, where in almost all over the world there is a freedom of speech and thinking. We all come from different backgrounds, experiences and realities, which I think contributes 85%-90% to personal believes and values. Personally I would not let my own way of seeing things affect my assessment; rather I would be more curious in understanding and knowing other people´s prospective.
So in this case I will give the same neutral feedback, I was going to give even if was to be in support or agreement of what I assessed; making sure the task purpose was reached, grammar and

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