Pee Peer Assessment

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1. What criteria do you consider to be of more importance? Ideas, proper English grammar or both? Support your answer.

I consider both of ideas and proper English grammar are important. In academic writing, the students have to put their own ideas and make researches to support his/her academic paper. Copying other’s ideas is unacceptable in academic writing and it will be plagiarism. That is why the student’ own idea is very important. On the other hand, proper English grammar is also important. Even though the student’s idea is very good and strong, the text needs to be grammatically true. Typos, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors leave a bad taste. Therefore, both of ideas and proper English grammar are important.

2. How would you assess a forum response or a peer assignment which is counter to your personal values? What feedback would you give in this situation? …show more content…

Through the peer assessment, the students become more actively engaged and self-directed in the learning processes. At the same, the student may faces challenges when assessing others’ work which is counter to our personal values. For me, I will assess it in accordance with the instructor’s guideline which I need to be aware of it. Whenever I identify a student’s a peer assignment, I have to provide the reasons for my feedback why it is needed to be improved. I will let the student know that I believe he or she can succeed or improve over time and make it clear that my comments relate to a particular task or performance, not to the student as a

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