Dental Assistant

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In 1885, a New Orleans dentist named Dr. C. Edmund Kells has a brilliant idea of hiring female assistant. Have female present meant women are no longer needed as chaperon to visit his practice. Dental Assistant on good grammar discusses three important ideas of Susan Adams, Kyle Wiens, Occupational Outlook, and how can I communicate professionally. According to the Susan Adams and Kyle Wiens article writes for Forbes and Harvard Business Review. Grammar helps people look very intelligent towards life, (Adams). It shows you how to organize your resume for a job, (Adams). The poor grammar shows sloppiness toward an essay or interview for jobs, (Adams). The writer’s integrity determines your reputation, (Adams). Always be serious about your subject matter, (Adams). One rule is to listen and pay attention to others, (Adams). They need to have respect for your readers because it shows that you are thinking about the topic and making an effort, (Adams). Grammar errors make people look unintelligent, (Wiens). People judge a person based on their grammar, (Wiens). Good grammar is credibility because of blog posts, Facebook status, and e-mails, (Wiens). Paints the picture of an employee that need to tell a good report of whom, or what was doing at the job, (Wiens). A person attitude can reflect on the company, business, and agency, (Wiens). Next, I read on the communication skills that discussed Detail oriented, Interpersonal skills, Listening skills, and Organizational skills. Dental Assistant reads over records, billing, payment, x-rays, and dental instruments. The communication media has to use social media because they are checking Facebook posts, emails, and voice mails with music. The writing requirements are signed, dated re... ... middle of paper ... ...helps patients, doctors, and hygiene doctors by answering questions, and assists equipment. In conclusion, the dental assistants need good grammar on Susan Adams, Kyle Wiens, Occupational Outlook Handbook, and how can I communicate professionally. Dental assistants always come prepare to work in the office. Works Cited Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. “Dental Assistant”, " Occupational Outlook Handbook” (February 12, 2014 Adams, Susan. "Why Grammar Counts at Work." Forbes. 20 July 2012. 17 Feb 2014 Wiens, Kyle. "I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why." Harvard Business Review: HRB Blog Network. 20 July 2012. 17 Feb 2014 .

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