Pedal People Case 4

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Me: “What changes has Pedal People Experienced over the course of its 15 years of operation? Clarrisa jumped right into the contract with the town of Northampton.” (Her eyes lit up as she begin telling me the transformation which occurred over night with this contract.) Clarrisa: “In 2006 the town approached Pedal People and said we should put a bid into the town for trash collection in the down town strip for public receptacles. The Cooperative was able to hire 3 people almost overnight as a direct result of the contract. (Energized) “The town approached them about putting in a bid for the contract which was based on being physically out on the streets and being seen by people who happen to work and live in the town of Northampton. (No discussion of what the amount the contract was for between the town governance) “This Contract guaranteed employment for staff after establishing themselves in the area for the last 4 years. One contributing factor to this, Clarrisa later discussed.” Me: Can you describe how you built your client volume? Was it a progressive increase of customers or overnight success? …show more content…

Customers resonated with Pedal Peoples Mission to reduce carbon emissions through alternative means of hauling trash. The reason they started the business in winter was to evaluate if they could do this work when weather is at its most intense. Since then they have been pedaling people’s trash building as they go both in clients and in service

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