Pedagogical Documentation Essay

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It goes beyond the photographs to engage and motivate children as participants in their own identification of learning, future learning and desired experiences. It encompasses contesting our own dispositions, being mindful of acknowledging the strength and potential of children as learners, through deep reflective skills and also equivalently being motivated and enthusiastic about our role as educators.
In respect to celebrating the rights of individual learners this intersects with the ethos of the unique child, whereby we are striving towards Increased self-esteem, more socially skilled children, increased ability to work with others, increased acceptance of others, new understanding, better decisions, greater creativity and more confidence in sharing ideas.
Some of the terms used when trying to understand the meanings behind pedagogic documentation include creativity, curiosity, representation, challenge and connections, all of which are cited within the EYFS. So essentially the EYFS authenticates support the use of pedagogical documentation as a means of focusing on children’s teaching and learning.
The celebration of the rights of individual …show more content…

Nevertheless, what is not often considered is the necessity for educators to work towards constructive and participative pedagogic relationships which prosper, both indoors and outdoors. In order to perform this effectively educators are required to place pedagogic documentation high on their agenda, as a critical element of their professional practice. This is by no means an easy feat and demands educators to increase their documentation skills, developing an all pervasive pedagogy of listening, as well as understanding the pedagogic content and knowledge including restyling & re-theorising assessment which many find

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