Patient Centered Care Essay

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I believe that patients have right to make their own decision for their health. According to text book, future nurses will provide patient-centered care that customized and respects of patient’s needs, value and their preferences (Masters, 2017, p. 85). Patient centered care is involving everyone in hospital from housekeeper to president and patient’s family; they are actively involving in patient’s care as priority. That will bring positive outcome from patient’s care. Also provide adequate comfort care for patient at end of life care.
I believe that patient’s family should involve in patient’s care actively. If patient get discharge to home, then family member is the one who are taking care of patient. So, I always try to teach patient’s family about how to take of patient at home and ask return demonstration. Patient teaching is important but once patients get sicker and not able to take care of themselves, then family …show more content…

Helping each other and collaborate each other is important. Nurses seem like working individually but also need best teamwork to make patient to get better outcomes. When my patient crashing down, my co-workers helped me out until doctor comes and also I helped them whenever they need helps. Team work is really important in patient’s care. It’s involving CNA’s, doctors, housekeeper, case manager, transporters, secretary and etc.
I saw many healthcare providers have their own health issue. Ironically, we are teaching patient all the times regarding diet for DM and HTN. However, lots of them really do not care their own health. I also had my co-worker and doctor had stroke before and could not able to work with me anymore. I believe we have to take care of our health prior to take care of others. Everything is not going as planed; however, I am trying to visit my primary doctor regularly in order to take care of myself and take care of other better.
Vision for the

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