Patient Centered Care Essay

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Today, many Americans face the struggle of the daily hustle and bustle, and at times can experience this pressure to rush even in their medical appointments. Conversely, the introduction of “patient-centered care” has been pushed immensely, to ensure that patients and families feel they get the medical attention they are seeking and paying for. Unlike years past, patient centered care places the focus on the patient, as opposed to the physician.1 The Institute of Medicine (IOM) separates patient centered care into eight dimensions, including respect, emotional support, coordination of care, involvement of the family, physical comfort, continuity and transition and access to care.2 The term patient centered care originated in the 1960’s …show more content…

2 With that being said, most health care facilities place an emphasis on coordinated and integrated interactions between the clinician and patient. This may include open communication, and shared decision making, ensuring that the patient is an active participant in his or her own care. Research shows that when a patient is treated with dignity and respect, and includes the family and caregivers in the decision making, better outcomes are to be reported. …show more content…

In 2015, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) released the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) which implements the final rule which offers financial incentives for Medicare clinicians to deliver high-quality patient centered care.5 Essentially, taking the time to learn the patient’s goals and treatment preferences allows for the patient to walk away from the medical treatment or service feeling understood and cared for by the provider.4 Thus, resulting in a better, more comprehensive plan of care. Policy makers are hopeful that the new incentive-based payment system will accelerate improvement efforts.

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