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Importance of patient centered healthcare
The background of the Affordable Care Act
Importance of patient centered healthcare
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Statement #1 (25 points):
In about ½ of a page (single-spaced), please state whether you agree, disagree, or have a mixed opinion regarding the following statement and argue, via evidence and claims from what you have learned in class, why you have picked your stated position. Be sure to comprehensively explain and support your reasoning.
Statement #1: In its current form, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) simply won’t achieve its original goals of expanding access, making health care more affordable, and improving the quality of care.
Your Response:
I disagree with this statement because the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been beneficial in a variety of ways. The ACA has many different components that facilitate better outcomes for patients such as insurance reforms that end pre-existing conditions as well as individual and employer mandates. I believe that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will achieve its original goals of expanding access, making healthcare more affordable and improving the quality of care for millions of Americans. The ACA expands access through a variety of means. The Medicaid Expansion is one example. It provides medical coverage to Americans who were once limited to health insurance related to cost reasons. The Medicaid Expansion will benefit childless and low income adults who currently are disqualified from Medicaid regardless of income. This in itself will help millions of Americans gain access to healthcare if their state has opted in. Also, the ACA expands access through employer and individual mandates. The employer mandate will allow large employers to provide health coverage to their full time employees at descent rates and the individual mandate will allow Americans to purchase federal subsidized...
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...lthcare system is slowly shifting from volume to value based care for quality purposes. By allowing physicians to receive payments on value over volume, patients receive quality of care and overall healthcare costs are lowered. The patients’ healthcare experience will be measured in terms of quality instead of how many appointments a physician has. Also, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements are prompting hospitals, physicians and other healthcare organizations to make the value shifts. In response to the evolving healthcare cost, ways to reduce health care cost will be examined. When we lead towards a patient centered system organized around what patients need, everyone has better outcomes. The patient is involved in their healthcare choices and more driven in the health care arena. A value based approach can help significantly in achieving patient-centered care.
The aim of affordable care act (ACA) was to extend health insurance coverage to around 15% of US population who lack it. These include people with no coverage from their employers and don’t have coverage by US health programs like Medicaid (Retrieved from, https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/affordable-care-act/). To achieve this, the law required all Americans to have health insurance which is a reason of controversy because, it was inappropriate intrusion of government into the massive health care industry and insult to personal liberty. To make health care more affordable subsidies are offered and the cost of the insurance was supposed to be reduced by bringing younger, healthier people to the health insurance system. This could be controversial, if older, sicker people who need the coverage most enter the market but younger group decline to do so. The insurance pool will be unbalanced and the cost of coverage will rise correspondingly.
Due to the increasing financial implications, patient satisfaction has become a growing priority for health care organizations, as well as transitioning the health care organization’s philosophy about the delivery of health care (Murphy, 2014). This CMS value based purchasing initiative has created a paradigm shift in health care in which leaders and clinicians must focus on patient centered care and the patient experience which ultimately will result in better outcomes. Leaders and clinicians alike must be committed to the patient satisfaction. As leaders within the organization, these groups must be role models and lead by example for front-line staff. Ultimately, if patients are satisfied, they are more likely to be compliant with their treatment plans and continue to seek follow up care with their health care provider, which will result in decreased lengths of stay, decreased readmissions, increased referrals and decreased costs (Murphy, 2014). One strategy employed by health care leaders to capture the patient experience, is purp...
I had a Political science professor that once said “Political survey answers depend more on how a question is asked than on what the question is asking.” I read and reread the above question. I have to admit that even after 15 weeks of topic discussions, PowerPoint, text chapters and Google; I am still confused about how tax expenditure works. The nearest I can figure out and in plain English, it is simply a tax break. That being said, this question is very methodically asked. The term “anti-poverty programs” is a gentle, non threatening term that will be met with compassion and kindness among more than 85% of (surveyed) US citizens. Second “tax expenditures” is a confusing term associated with the mean IRS that must have something to do with the government taking hard earned money and doing something with it, but what? Who knows? The final term is the big, bad anti-conservative term that only about 11% of surveyed Americans actually greet with any positivity. So the question in our subconscious mind flows something like: “What are the advantages and disadvantages of helping people who need it with your tax money instead of giving it to people who don’t want to work?” But that’s not what the question is asking. Because I know that my subconscious takes into consideration, the information it believes is true. First anti-poverty programs, such as Medicaid, are in most people’s minds still welfare. Before the New Deal many of the anti-poverty programs, as well as welfare (utility assistance, help purchasing groceries, etc.) were funded completely through private charities....
The 1960s was a period well remembered for all the civil rights movements that occurred during that time frame and the impact these movements had on the social and political dynamics of the United States. The three largest movements that were striving in the 1960s were the African American civil rights movement, the New Left movement and the feminist movement. These three movements were in a lot of ways influenced by each other and were very similar in terms of their goals and strategies. However, within each of these movements there were divisions in the way they tried to approach the issues they were fighting against. Looking at each of these movements individually will reveal the relationship they all share as well as the changes that were brought forth as a result of each groups actions.
Therefore, the Affordable Care Act increased access to healthcare. The group that benefited the most was the individuals with pre-existing conditions. Prior to Affordable Care Act, insurance companies had the right to deny the application of those with pre-existing condition like asthma and diabetes. However, with the ACA, insurance companies cannot deny their application and they can’t increase their premium. Another group that had advantages of this new act are the poor people. People who are up to 138% of poverty level or the individuals that make less than $15,854 a year will be eligible for
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a federal that was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 to systematically improve, reform, and structure the healthcare system. The ACA’s ultimate goal is to promote the health outcomes of an individual by reducing costs. Previously known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the ACA was established in order to increase the superiority, accessibility, and affordability of health insurance. President Obama has indicated the ACA is fully paid for and by staying under the original $900 billion dollar budget; it will be able to provide around 94% of Americans with coverage. In addition, the ACA has implemented that implemented that insurance companies can no longer deny c...
The Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, is a new health policy created by the American federal government. Its purpose is to make healthcare more affordable and friendly for the people. Unfortunately in some way that does not prove to be the case. It is becoming apparent that Obama may have made some misleading statements to help get the ACA put into action. The ACA is sprinkled with many flaws that call for a reform such as people’s current plans being terminated, high costs, and at minimum some people’s hours being cut by their employers.
The Potter article, The Strategy The Will Fix Health, lays out a strategic value agenda for high quality healthcare. This value agenda has six interconnected components. First, organize into integrated practice units. The leaders at Cleveland clinic and ThedaCare consolidated hospitals, outpatient clinics and Cosgove went further to integration care coordination through establishing disease focused Institutes. Second, measure outcomes and costs for every patient At the Cleveland Clinic the Institutes defined and developed shared outcome measures. Dr. Cosgrove saw patient outcomes as “the ultimate measure of quality.” He wanted outcomes to be reported internally as well as externally. Outcomes were also compared to available benchmarks. ThedaCare
While this statement does hold some truth, it is not entirely accurate. It is true that much of Alexander the Great’s story was written long after his death, but that does not means “historians really do not know much about” him. It is often difficult to piece together the puzzle that makes up the life and times of Alexander, but to a large extent it can be done. Historians are able to piece together source material, histories, and archeological data to paint a portrait of the warrior king. This does not mean that the task is easy, or that all scholars agree, but it certainly presents a wealth of information to be considered.
I do agree with the fact the Affordable Care Act is beneficial in the sense that it provides affordable health care for the uninsured and underinsured and it gives consumers the opportunity to seek treatment at a reasonable cost. It is also worth mentioning that The affordable care act provides provision for some affordable prescription drugs, which can be very costly depending on acute and chronic illnesses and the brand of medication prescribed. Consumers have the ability to pick health care plans from the market place that they can financially afford. Even though health care services have become more affordable, there are prescriptions that are not affordable under the Affordable Care Act. According to Norman and Karlin-Smith (2016),
According to Medicaid.gov (n/a) the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a health reform that was established to better health care security for all Americans, it includes expanding coverage, holds insurance companies accountable, lowers health care costs, guarantees more choices, and enhances the quality of care for all Americans. The ACA is to help provide quality health care at a low price for those who struggle financially. Many Americans cannot afford health coverage, or their jobs do not provide coverage, therefore causing them to live without insurance then being penalized at the end of the year for not being covered. The ACA allows more Americans to have easier access to health insurance, saving them from paying a penalty. The ACA provisions
It may often be difficult to delve into the many opinions that people have regarding the healthcare system, and our access to affordable healthcare. I feel that there are many improvements that need to be made to healthcare, to include the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and its need to remain affordable. The ACA has been a national debate for the
The Affordable Care Act has improved the market failures of the health insurance industry by providing a platform for consumers to access more suitable coverages.
The Affordable Care Act (AFC) did many great things for the uninsured and underinsured. One thing that the AFC did that help Americans across all social-economic boundaries was preventing insurance carriers to deny or increase costs to people with pre-existing conditions. Another great thing that the affordable care act did was give access to mental health services that otherwise could not afford it. However, the AFC did have its drawbacks, not everyone was able to pay for the co-pays or afford the deductibles, and a lot of providers did not accept the insurance.