Participation Trophies Send A Personal Response

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The feeling of being part of a team is something every child should experience. Team building builds children's self-esteem and confidence. The articles, “Participation Trophies Send a Dangerous Message” and ‘Participation Trophies Send a Positive Message” both have compelling arguments describing why kids should or why kids should not get trophies. Every child should feel like they have done a decent job at something they have worked hard on or did their best at. Though, as children grow up, they will not always feel like winners. It is important for kids to grow up knowing that they are winners and receiving participation trophies even after losing will help boost their morale. Children should receive participation trophies for doing the …show more content…

Any kind of honor can make a young kid feel as if he or she meant something to the team, and that can boost the child’s self-confidence. These kids dedicate time, effort, and enthusiasm to group activities, and they deserve to have something tangible to make them feel that their participation was worthwhile. When children see other children receiving a first place, second place, and third place award for something they worked just as hard at, it can bring their self-esteem down. Furthermore, children who receive a participation trophy are shown that their effort was genuinely appreciated. It was stated in the article, “Participation Trophies Send a Positive Message” that, “These young athletes should be honored in lesser ways, and all deserve to feel some form of accomplishment.” It would be honorable to give a 1st Place trophy, but also give all the kids a participation trophy. This way, everyone leaves happy after being commended for their hard …show more content…

There are children who take part in games and activities, but they do not always do their best and work as hard as other children do. In the article, “Participation Trophies Send a Dangerous Message,” it stated, “When awards are handed out like candy to every child who takes part, they diminish in value. If every soccer player receives a trophy for merely showing up for practice and playing in games, the truly exceptional players are slighted.” In other words, if trophies are given out to all children for showing up, the kids who worked extremely hard will feel like their effort is not deeply appreciated. This may cause their inner drive to lower. The article states, “We begin to expect awards and praise for just showing up for class, practice, leaving us woefully unprepared for reality. Outside the bubble of childhood, not everyone is a winner. Showing up to work, attending class, completing homework, and trying my best at sports practice are expected of me, not worthy of an award.” The article is trying to show that just showing up to things in life will not help you grow. Life is about working hard. There are people who feel that receiving a participation trophy does not help children see that they must work hard and use the best of their abilities at things to advance in

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