Parker And Smit Comparison Of Nursing Theories

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The professional discipline of nursing focuses on the knowledge gained from theories, concepts, research, and practice. The study of theory is important because it improves nursing practice that results in improved patient care (Parker and Smith, 2010).The central concepts of nursing, or nursing phenomena of interest, include person, environment, health, and nursing. The body of nursing knowledge increases when nursing uses theory to guide research and exploration. (Moore, 1990). Because discipline theories develop from conceptual models, an understanding of the terms is vital to the advancement of knowledge and nursing practice.
Theory is a general term used to describe ideas and to organize structures. A theory represents patterns of thinking that guide the daily activities of nurses. Parker and …show more content…

Parker and Smith (2010) note that these ideas are interrelated and they influence the development of each. Both use a set of statements to express ideas and show relationships between concepts. They are used in research to articulate ideas and direct delivery of nursing. Fawcett (1995) states that theories grow out of conceptual models.
Although theories and conceptual models have some similarities, there are more differences between them. Conceptual models present abstract and general concepts and propositions while theories are the building blocks for daily nursing practice. Multiple theories can and have been developed from the same conceptual model. In general, conceptual models are broader in scope and more loosely structured than theories. Parker and Smith (2010) explain that different frameworks are used for analyzing and evaluating each. There is also a difference in the amount of proof. Models are not proven or tested; however, theories are tested yet still open to

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