Parent Lose A Job

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What Impact Does It Have When a Parent Loses a Job? What impact does it have when a parent loses a job? In today’s economy where a household had been ran by two incomes and suddenly becomes one becomes a strain on the family. It causes stress in the marriage. It also causes emotional distress for the children and parents. The problems are not just financially motivated but emotional and psychological as well. This is not an easy issue to deal with especially when you household is used to running smoothly and now to be faced with a financial hardship. This is not easy for anyone is the household. A recent study (Luo, 2009) at the University of California found that children in families where the head of the household had lost a job were more likely to repeat a grade. Children feel the stress of their parents not being able to pay bills because income has become less than normal. They lose focus in the classroom. Children can no longer concentrate on the school work and study for test for the fear of losing their homes. Although these are financial issues that parents discuss...

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