Generally speaking, lower back pain during pregnancy isn't a cause for concern, but it's still something that should be checked into, as in some cases it might be a warning sign of a serious abdominal problem, including miscarriage. So, before you panic, read through this information. It should help you determine whether or not your condition is normal. As mentioned, many expectant mothers experience lower back pain to some degree since your body is adapting to a variety changes. However, if you feel that your symptoms have nothing to do with any of the following causes, please see your doctor. In fact, even if you think the cause is something harmless, you still may want to ease your mind with a visit to your obstetrician. The following are
The first stage of labor actually has two phases itself. The first phase is called early labor. During early labor you should start to feel something like light cramps. It is also common to feel pressure in your lower back. This is the start of what is called “contractions”. Contractions help your uterus (female reproductive organ) stretch and relax, along with moving the baby's head down into the birth canal. Another thing that happens during early labor is your cervix (narrow neck like passage forming the lower end of the uterus) will start to get shorter, also known as “thinning out”. Your cervix will go from about three to five centimeters to looking as if it could be part of the uterus. You will also start to dilate (make or become wider, larger, or more open) during this phase. When your contractions get closer together, about four to five minutes apart, you should call your doctor or midwife and go in to get checked. They tell how far dilated you are in centimeters, zero to ten. The next phase to this stage is active labor. This phase will consist of you dilating more rapidly as well as your contractions getting harder and closer together. You may also begin to feel nauseous during active labor. At this point you will probably be in quite a bit of pain and want pain medication. Though it may be too late for an epidural (an injection in...
Why would you get an epidural when there are different ways to have a pain free pregnancy? This is the question that most women ask who have natural childbirths. Why get a shot in your back that may give you paralysis or cause back pains years after you have received the shot. Some doctors suggest going to Lamaze classes to reduce labor pains. You can also deliver your baby in water to ease some of the pain and to give the baby a good transition into the world. Plus epidurals can have a negative effect on the baby. They can lower the baby’s heart rate. Some other side effects for the mother are headaches, vomiting, and dystocia.
The use of epidurals is so common today that many perinatal professionals are calling the 1990s the age of the epidural epidemic. Believed by many in the medical profession to be safe and effective, the epidural seems now to be regarded as a veritable panacea for dealing with the pain of childbirth. It is true that most women experience pain during the course of labor. This pain can be intense and very real, even for those who have prepared for it. But pain is only one of many possible sensations and experiences that characterize the experience of giving birth. Barbara Katz Rothman, a sociologist who studies birth in America, writes that in the medical management of childbirth, the experience of the mother is viewed by physicians as pain: pain experienced and pain to be avoided.1 Having experienced childbirth ourselves, we have great compassion for women in painful labors. However, we also feel a responsibility to mothers and their babies to explore issues concerning the use of epidural anesthesia in labor issues that are seldom discussed prenatally.
Acupuncture works to relieve two types of lower back pain. Lower mechanical pain is caused by disc inflammation or disc deterioration and lower compressive back pain is caused by aggravated spinal nerve roots or a herniated disc ( Although the practice of acupuncture has only recently begun in the United States, many doctors are referring their patients to acupuncture because of it's effectiveness, especially for low back pain (
Kate Chopin is very well known for her extremely unique writing. Not only are her works striking of feminism, but the way she approached topics were not easily tolerated at that time especially for her gender. Many of her stories tie into marriage and the unhappiness that it brings. In Desiree’s Baby Chopin says, “And the very spirit of Satan seemed suddenly to take hold of him…” Comparing the woman’s husband to that of Satan shows the intensity of disgust between the two in the relationship. Strong statements such as these are often seen in “The Storm” and “The Story of an Hour.” In Chopin’s life she was married, and her stories lead me to believe that she viewed her marriage as a trap and suffered from lack of privacy and control. Despite how provoking Chopin’s works were she was long ignored by readers and critics until her stories hit the surface in the 1960’s and became more popular. The women in her stories are constantly seeking freedom, lust, and attention.
Posture Correction – Poor posture is a major issue involved in back pain. Poor posture is also unattractive and unhealthy to the body. Good posture helps the body maintain balance and stay aligned. Inversion therapy helps to realign your spine so you can enjoy the health benefits of good
When a mother finds out she is pregnant it is a wonderful experience. Most people are excited to see their first “picture” of their baby, the ultrasound. Even more exciting is getting an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. But ultrasounds are useful for more than just getting that first image of the fetus or finding out whether it is a boy or a girl. While it is something most parents dread finding out when pregnant, an ultrasound can also detect a birth defect. There are many different birth defects that can be detected by an ultrasound during pregnancy like Spina Bifida, Down syndrome, and abnormalities with the heart and lower urinary tract, and the importance of detecting them with an ultrasound is shown in the benefits of discovering the birth defect early, and the options it gives the parents after discovering the birth defect.
Missed period is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Usually women develop these symptoms when they miss a period. However, for some women, early symptoms of pregnancy begins in just few weeks after their conception. Very common early pregnancy symptoms are,
Whereas signs and symptoms to the mother can include: rapid uterine contractions, back and abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and uterine tenderness. Direct causes sometimes can correlate with direct injury to abdominal wall, rapid loss or excess of amniotic fluid, the mother’s lifestyle choices, hypertension, advanced maternal age, diabetes mellitus, and prior placental abruption. Although, preventive measures for placenta abruption is uncommon, attention to ongoing medical evaluation of fetal and maternal welfare connected with consideration of risk factors, outcomes can be
There are many risks that come along with having an abortion that the patient learns about before having the operation ("Abortion"). Cancer is one of the risks. Women with a history if one abortion face 2.3 times higher risk of getting cervical cancer and when the woman has had two or more abortions, the risk rises to 4.92 times. These increased cancer rates for post-abortion may be linked to the disruption of the hormonal changes or stress on the immune system ("Abortion"). Another risk is uterine perforation, in which two to three percent of all abortion patients suffer from, though most go undiagnosed. Damage to the uterus can lead to different problems later in life with pregnancies that can cause fetal malformation, prenatal death, and excessive bleeding during labor ("Abortion").
Symptomology:.. Simple musculoskeletal back pain is a symptom of pain in the lumbrasacral area of the back (Jackson & Simpson, 2006). Upper thighs and knees are also known to be affected (Jackson & Simpson, 2006). This pain is usually described as dull pain (Jackson & Simpson, 2006). Spinal nerve root pain is localised down the leg, and usually continues below the knee and into the feet (Jackson & Simpson, 2006).
I am five months pregnant and single, I am in a situation that I never thought that I would have to face. As far as life experiences go, I can truly tell you that dealing with pregnancy at eight-teen is truly a life changing and stressful event.
What is stress? Stress is state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Stress can from depression, work, and much more. One doctor says, “Stress is a silent disease.”
Fragoso, Ashley Morrow. Family Research Council. “Fetal Pain Can Unborn Children Feel Pain in the Womb?” 2010. Web. 2014, 8 June.
“ Being a Motherhood is a choice you make every day, to put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you're not sure what the right thing is...and to forgive yourself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong.” MMMMM. Being mother is one of the most blessed and the most challenging job in the world. Giving birth to a new life and making it walk through the new world holding its hands showing a good trail makes a mother victorious in her life. In this modern world women’s attitude against pregnancy and being a mother is changing accordingly. There occurs so many miscarriages and maternal death during the pregnancy. A woman should be physically, and more over mentally set to have a baby in her womb. Considering the biological fitness of health it’s said that safer age to be get pregnant is in between 20 to 29. Early pregnancy in the teenage age of 13 to 20 and the delayed motherhood age after 35 is challenging to the health of mother as well as the birth of the child causing currently social issues India.