Ultrasounds: A Necessity During Pregnancy

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When a mother finds out she is pregnant it is a wonderful experience. Most people are excited to see their first “picture” of their baby, the ultrasound. Even more exciting is getting an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. But ultrasounds are useful for more than just getting that first image of the fetus or finding out whether it is a boy or a girl. While it is something most parents dread finding out when pregnant, an ultrasound can also detect a birth defect. There are many different birth defects that can be detected by an ultrasound during pregnancy like Spina Bifida, Down syndrome, and abnormalities with the heart and lower urinary tract, and the importance of detecting them with an ultrasound is shown in the benefits of discovering the birth defect early, and the options it gives the parents after discovering the birth defect.
A neural tube is a tube that begins developing in an embryo that eventually become the spinal cord. A neural tube defect occurs at the beginning of pregnancy, often within the first month, when the neural tube does not close properly. This will cause, later on in development, a hole in the spinal cord. The most common type of this defect is called Spina Bifida. There are different types of Spina Bifida, some more mild than others. The most severe type of Spina Bifida, called Spina Bifida Myelomeningocele, causes many problems including partial or complete paralysis below the defected area of the spine, urinary and bowel issues, and excess fluid on the brain, which can cause learning or intellectual disabilities. The mildest type of Spina Bifida, Spina bifida occulta, does not cause any disabilities, but still presents an opening in the spinal cord (How do health care, 2012).
Spina Bifida...

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... with down syndrome. (n.d.). Down Syndrome Education
International. Retrieved from http://www.down-syndrome.org/information/family/ overview/?page=3 Lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO). (2012, January). The Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia. Retrieved from http://www.chop.edu/service/fetal-diagnosis-and- treatment/fetal-diagnoses/lower-urinary-tract-obstruction-luto.html Nuchal translucency test. (2012, August 25). Medicine Plus. Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007561.htm Treatment for spina bifida (myelomeningocele). (2012, September). The Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia. Retrieved from http://www.chop.edu/service/fetal-diagnosis-and- treatment/fetal-diagnoses/spina-bifida.html What is down syndrome? (n.d.). National Down Syndrome Society. Retrieved from

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