Outlook on Veterinarians in Today’s World
Pets are becoming not only just a pet but an actual family member instead. Everyone who has a pet must take their animals to a veterinarian to assure that it will live a happy healthy life. Have you ever wondered exactly what all a veterinarian does throughout days? I can assure everyone that the life of a veterinarian is not as easy as it may seem. Veterinarians must care for the sick and healthy animals. Not only must they diagnose problems animals pay be having they must also treat them. Veterinarians also must give preventative medications to animals mainly earlier in animal’s lives but check ups also. Animals, just like humans must have test ran on them if needed or x-rays if needed. When animals are in need of surgery of any kind, veterinarians are the one who perform the surgery with the assistance of their technicians. When animals are having surgery a veterinarian is also the one who must give them their anesthesia for surgeries and they are responsible for waking them up much takes much caution. Not all a veterinarians’ work is hands on. Some of their work is over the phone advising pet owners with information when needed. For example, birthing, feeding, abnormal behaviors, or breeding are all topics a veterinarians may have to assist pet owners with (Chronicles Guidance Publications). Just as a Doctor is to a human, a veterinarian is to an animal. Only animals cannot talk so a veterinarian must be able to observe normal and abnormal animal behaviors. All veterinarians have a list of different tasks that occupy work hours day by day. No day will ever be repeated twice!
Veterinarian schooling is very rigorous and very time consuming to say the least. Every college student ...
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...ed in each clinic and every employee is on the same page and every-one knows what is going on at all times. The job outlook for the field is outstanding and will always be assuring to anyone pursuing this career. Not only is the field of veterinary medicine always growing but also the salaries that veterinarians make annually will continue to grow because of experience and because of the of the growth of pets per family in today's world. Animals are becoming more like family members to most modern day families and they think it is necessary for all animals to have the appropriate attention and care. All in all this career is a very positive and interesting field to pursue. I think anyone with a passion for all types of animals should most definitely look into it. The field of veterinary medicine definitely has a strong backbone and will always be in need.
According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, it is expected that the job outlook for vet techs will increase much faster than other occupations: by 30 percent between the years of 2012 and 2022. This is because veterinary technologists are beginning to be preferred over basic veterinary assistance for tasks like lab work. [Also, better care and treatment for pets is being practiced by pet owners (Collegegrad.com).] Ve...
The duties and responsibilities a Veterinary Technician has to be able to work any day at any time just like a paramedic. Also a Vet Technician has to keep animals happy while in treatment at the clinic. “On any given day that I am in surgery I wil...
I believe as a veterinary technician I will be faced with many challenges and heartache on a daily basis. I will be introduced to situations that can be hard to bare--seeing animals that show the typical signs and symptoms of malnourishment and abuse. Having to unfortunately euthanize or observe euthanization of an animal due to a chronic illness or financial reasons by the caregiver(s)(“owner”). I will also vaccinate and administer medications to an animal under a veterinarian’s order and supervision. I will perform alongside the veterinarian with examinations and obtain bodily fluids such as blood, urine, or feces for further diagnosis. I will be present in observing and aiding an animal in need of medical assistance. I will fortunately be there to witness an animal walking on “all fours” along the path to their successful recovery. As a veterinary technician my purpose will be to allow the patient to feel and look healthy. I would love to see the caregivers’ faces change from concerned to relieved and thankful. I realize as a veterinary technician I will have to accept the good moments along with the bad.
For as long as I can remember, my childhood dream has always been wanting to become a veterinarian. While other kids were outside having fun at the playground, I was at the library reading books and learning about the different animals. However, as I matured, I realized that being a veterinarian isn’t just about caring for and assisting injured animals. Being a veterinarian means having the ability to make quick decisions in stressful situations, showing complete dedication and passion to this profession, and being able to effectively communicate to pet owners.
For someone to be a large animal veterinarian and do the job well, one must have a passion for animals. You must have business skills and interpersonal skills. You need a passion for animals because you will work with them everyday for the
Many people have lost their pets and close family members because there is no way to get the help or medical attention that the animal so desperately needed. Every day in the United States, veterinarians are working hard to save animal’s lives. People will always continue to want and to breed pets. Therefore, to help and cure all these pets, a steady stream of veterinarians will be needed for many years to come. Over the years, the requirements and processes to becoming a veterinarian have changed. To become a successful veterinarian one must complete all necessary education and on the job training, be friendly and love animals, and have a burning passion to help both the pet and the pet owner.
In one way or another, I have been taking care of animals my entire life. Growing up, I was completely dedicated to animals, caring for what could be considered a mini zoo. Naturally, as a child, I was set on a career as a veterinarian. Like most children, I was naive about the veterinary profession, but I had plenty of people to warn me about its challenges. Albeit initially discouraged from becoming a veterinarian, my search for a meaningful career not only revived my spark for veterinary medicine but also gave me the maturity and experience necessary to succeed in it.
On the day of October 15, 2015, I interviewed Julie Tamburello, a veterinary assistant at Banfield Pet Hospital in Willoughby. The main job of a veterinary assistant is to care for animals and help prevent illness. Julie’s normal work day is as follows: clocking in, then she goes back and forth between looking at scheduled patients in rooms and dropping off patients. She normally gives her patients checkups, which sometimes include blood work and fecal tests. She also needs to collaborate with the doctors so they know what is going on with their patients.
When I was growing up and always playing with animals, I realized what I might want to do with my life. Since animals are, for the most part, vulnerable and helpless, they need someone to take care of them. For animals in need to survive and carry on, there must be a caring person willing to take time out of their day to care for these animals. This person is responsible for providing care such as feeding, cleaning, giving water and administering medication to animals in veterinary offices, zoos, laboratories or animal hospitals. This person is called a veterinary assistant (Writer).
Veterinarians uses medicine to diagnose, treat diseases and dysfunction of animals. Medicine used such as antibiotics and vaccines. A veterinarian’s role in their career is to help and serve also trying to find a new treatment to disorders for humans and animals. Some vets teach other people or other vets how to do something.
The complexity and diversity of the animal kingdom has always captivated me. This has resulted in a desire to accomplish a place in Veterinary Nursing. This aspiration has it’s origins in an early family life occupied with animals and pets, a developing interest in the science and wellbeing of animals and an expanding sense of duty for the care we owe to the creatures which convey true companionship and loyalty. Work experience and volunteering has taught me to recognise and appreciate the ‘guardian’ roles performed by the veterinarian and veterinary nurse which has served to increase my determination to pursue a career in a field which has an everlasting effect on animal companionship and welfare, as well as human industry, community and
Where veterinarians work it can be very noisy, which could be very stressful. It can be physically demanding if the veterinarian is working at a slaughter house, with wildlife, or at farms and ranches (Veterinarians). Veterinarians are exposed to being scratched, kicked, or bitten at any time. They also can be exposed to infections and diseases (The Veterinary Profession). Veterinarians usually care for companion animals, but also will care for livestock, zoo, sporting, laboratory, and marine animals (The Veterinary Profession). Veterinarians must be able to examine and diag...
It depends on the area where you work that defines what type of animals you deal with. It also depends on what type of animals you want to work with. Some vets work with just household pet. Others just work with farm animals. Most veterinarians work with both.
Imagine being able to save every animal in the world. I have always dreamed of being a veterinarian from a young age. Veterinarians have many important duties. They save animals by doing various things. They advise animal owners, perform surgery on them, and many more activities. Veterinarians do not exclude any animals. They must give the same treatment to every animal.
The career is only for those with a passion for growing and caring can attain. Through preparing early on during high school, I can attain my goal of becoming a veterinarian. However, this goal cannot be reachable if I do not attend a good college that can further prepare me for veterinary school. Getting into such a college, like the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, can help improve myself academically and mentally for the workload I will most likely receive once I get to that higher point in life. Although the journey will be tough, I am ready to transition into my next