Origin and Story of Soy Sauce

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Imagine you are at you favorite Asian inspired restaurant with your friends. You just finished ordering your food, when u look over and see that bottle of dark syrupy liquid off to the side. Known around the world, Soy sauce is an international condiment that is used as a sauce, a condiment, as well as an ingredient in plenty of dishes and recipes. Although this condiment is seen a lot in most Asian style restaurants or even in packets from your Chinese take-out place but it is used all over the world But have you ever wanted to know exactly is soy sauce, or how its made and what gives it that dark color? In this paper I will discuss and explain the origin of soy sauce, how its made and the different types of soy sauce there are, nutritional facts about soy sauce, and myths and legends about soy sauce.
To start, let stalk about the origin and history of soy sauce. Soy sauce is made of soy beans. And the word “soy” is in actuality Dutch. according to the book, “History of Soy Sauce”, (Shurtleff & Aoyagi,2012) after 1633 when the Portuguese were expelled from Japan by the Tokugawa Shogunate, the Dutch were the only Europeans allowed to trade with Japan. They used trade supervised by the Dutch East India Company, and were limited to a tiny artificial island named Deshima in Nagasaki harbor in the south of Japan. This was far from the capital at Edo which in today’s society would be considered Tokyo. Among the goods the company exported from Japan was Shoyu,( the earliest form of soy sauce) miso, and aké. At first they exported these goods to the company’s trading posts in Asia, but in 1737 they began exporting small amounts via Indonesia to Amsterdam, Netherlands, where they were auctioned to international merchants.
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Hensley, S. (2013, june 12). Go easy on the soy sauce, bro, it could kill you. Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/06/11/190707171/go-easy-on-the-soy-sauce-bro-it-could-kill-you
Daniel, PhD, K. T. (2013, July 08). Soy sauce: The good, the bad, and the surprisingly ugly. Retrieved from http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/soy-sauce-the-good-the-bad-and-the-surprisingly-ugly/
Moncel, B. (n.d.). What is soy sauce?: Ingredients, how it is made, varieties, and how to store soy sauce.. Retrieved from http://foodreference.about.com/od/Ethnic_Ingredients/a/What-Is-Soy-Sauce.ht
Shurtleff , W., & Aoyagi, A. (2012). HISTORY OF SOY SAUCE 1 Copyright © 2012 by Soyinfo Center HISTORY OF SOY SAUCE (160 CE TO 2012): Soyinfo Center. Retrieved from http://www.soyinfocenter.com/books/153

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