Open Space Style Meeting

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1. In our next weekly meeting with my employees, I opted to try an open space style meeting for the first time. Within my one to ones I created specific agendas on areas of development with 5 aims on a personal level, and the same number of aims as working more effectively as a team. By conducting this type of meeting, I could correctly identify where each employee thoughts are personally and in the team's development. By taking lead on the sessions it would enhance my enrolment as a coach within our team, encourage and apply suggested plans to develop more effective team working on projects and to guide my employee to successfully fulfil their personal ambition. 2. Through our consultations with the newly adapted style of meeting, each member had different and varied personal goals in which they would like to work towards. When describing development as a team, suggested aims were not identical but similar in some categories. Each member has a private session lasting a strict 30 mins. On finalised personal and team goals, on the one to ones I started using a range of open questions to get specific information, as this technique was getting more used, I felt conversations flowed easier and getting the correct information started to flow naturally. Where areas in which I felt needing more explaining, I …show more content…

With more of a specific type and role in our meeting, we could clearly identify areas on developing as a team was needed. An aim which 3 employees were to learn specifically from me about electrical technical knowledge and contract based understanding. Each member gave aims on personal development in which they would like to be coached. I used a steady method of questioning in areas they feel are weak and gave my guidance on areas in which I feel personally they should pay more attention to. As some aims are ongoing, I gave a slot each month individually as well as my own to measure how successful we are in fulfilling our goals both personally and as a

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