Group Reflection: The Roles Of Working In A Group

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In order to gain some purpose while working in a group, I know it can be challenging task to do because every group member is required to agree and cooperate. I am privileged to become a part of a group and completed our task successfully. Our group consists of 5 members and we experienced the stages of group development along with which different roles being considered. Our group formed with the common interest of competing and representing ourselves as competent and knowledgeable. The storming phase involved a trial being held to determine the capabilities of each other and positions were found to be disputed due to which we voted on leader of team. In the norming stage, roles of every group member have been stated and identified with the …show more content…

We observed the occurrence of synergy as we worked together with a significant deal of cooperation between members of the team. Previously, none of us were found to be dominant in our specific divisions and there are many groups in the presentation with exceptional skills to succeed. But, coming together in this group, we are able to succeed from other groups in presentation while demonstrating the significant synergetic group work. We were not able to win on individual level but our contribution to the group has combined to influence our performance positively and letting us achieve our goal of winning maximum marks. It is important for us to note that we would not be able to gain success in this presentation on individual basis but contributions from each of us combined to let us achieve our goal of gaining maximum marks in this task. We met every two weeks whenever we had our employment classes and these meetings were productive. These meetings went well but they could have been more productive if we had structured a proper schedule for maximising our meeting time. While considering the potentials of our group, our coach informed us that our group can only win if we want to and this caused a positive reaction with the confidence. None of us had any issues of ego and self-centeredness but instead we all wanted our group to perform outstanding. We consistently possess …show more content…

This turned out to be the positive group experience for me and other group members. The team was sufficiently strong from the very beginning through the development phase to the end without any incident of conflict and disagreement. Every group member is reliable and understands their roles working in a group. They also understand the significance of progressing collectively towards the shared and common goal. In other words, our group reflected the synergy by the association we held with each other as a team and, thus, reflecting an example of being a successful

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