On Revolutions Of The Heavenly Spheres by Nicolaus Copernicus

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Scholarly Life in the 16th-century After reading On The Revolutions Of The Heavenly Spheres, Nicolaus Copernicus's dedication to Pope Paul III, it can be gathered that the life of a scholar was something of a mission, a crusade if you will, to achieve knowledge of the unknown. Like a crusade, scholarly life contained hardships but also achievements and even more importantly and sometimes most strived for, notoriety. Scholarly life in the 16th -century was no simple task, but a task that took much drive and ambition, and after that, a task that underwent much scrutiny from disapproving colleagues as well as outsiders.

It can be gathered that the life of a scholar was something of a mission from this piece of writing by Nicolaus Copernicus because it is stated in his own words the vigorous task that takes place when trying to make a new discovery or propose a new theory. He himself speaks of his own time and effort put forth to create a theory, written in his own words that before he could craft his theory he had to first read the righting and teachings of philosophers before him to see if his theory had even been touched upon. When found that it had, he could then move on to the considerations of his own, knowing that he now had a base with which to build on.

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