Obesity Essay

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Obesity Obesity means having too much body fat. It is not the same as being overweight, which means weighing too much. Someone may be overweight from extra muscle, bone, or water, as well as from having too much fat. (Bing health). Obesity is a major problem that is occurring in parts all over the world. Currently, the fattest nation is America . Many people are overweight because the do too little or no exercise at all. This is especially true in countries like America, where as people are bombarded by fast food stores on virtually every corner. Obesity can not only cause health problems, but as well mental ones. Obese people may think of themselves as a useless human being because they are too fat and can’t accomplish anything, because of their weight. Though this is incorrect, many people believe this and end up taking their life. In this paper we will describe the causes of obesity and ways to combat the “everlasting epidemic.” What causes obesity is the fact that we as a nation are eating high calorie foods, and combined with poor exercise habits causes an overweight person. For example a regular bottle of coke contains roughly 65g. of sugar in every bottle(the 20 FL. Ounce). This is equivalent to 16.9 tea spoons of sugar a day, and let’s not forgets the carbohydrates(A teaspoon of sugar). As we know “carbs” for short, is the most common form of energy that the body uses for its daily needs. When carbs are eaten the body turns them into glycogen. Glycogen is stored inside the muscles and liver for energy when needed. When too much carbs enter the body and overfill the stores of already present glycogen, the body then turns excessive carbs into fat, and stored on the body. This is one of many contributors to excessive we... ... middle of paper ... ...he world, for example in Africa there is a scarcity of water. Here in the United States its way different, we have water all over the place and we waste it. Water is important to our bodies, because it lubricates the body’s joints and rids of all unnecessary metabolic waste. One way to check if you are drinking enough water , is by checking the color and amount of your urine. For example is your urine comes out dark and in a little amount you need to drink more water. When your urine is pale and yellow, your body has returned to a normal state. Water in sweat helps with the dispersion of heat through the skin.(sport nutrition guide book p.118) During exercise water absorbs heat from all the muscles in, disperses it through sweat, and regulates body temperature, in turn cooling you down. Water in saliva helps break down food which makes it easier on your stomach.

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