Compare And Contrast Sports Drink Vs Water

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The debate concerning sports drinks versus water as the better exercise drink concerns a number of factors, the most important of which is proper hydration. When exercising, the human body loses more water than during normal activity through sweat; this water must be replaced to maintain the body’s health.
Water is essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system and absorb a lot of nutrients for our body to function very well and also by protecting it from different outside hazards which our body gets by food that we eat and mostly from the fast foods, food which is not recommended which causes obstruction and various …show more content…

Given that water naturally reduces appetite, it also helps in preventing overeating and keep weight in balance and fit. Usually it is said that our body needs water rather than food when we are hungry.

It’s true that sports are one of the best things to keep a good and healthy body, but during this activity we should consume something to replace our lost energy. The main important factor is keeping our heartbeats or pulse rate in a normal level. Some of the people including me would prefer water and some of them sports drinks. Which of them are better for us ?
I am going to explain everything related to this two things and who is better for us to use. I will collect some true data and trying to explain them in the easiest way to understand by using charts and true statements.
Keywords: water, sports drinks, dehydration, storage of energy and pulse rate.

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Burning calories while exercising human body needs to much of calories to replace energy which is used. A large amount of carbohydrates is required from our body when the workout is longer than normal or accurately when it sends to much of energies.
For instance, ironman triathlon which is a multiple-stage competition that involves swimming, cycling and running in immediate succession over various distances. According to the book “Endurance Sports Nutrition” by Suzanne Girard Eberle, “Ironman competitors expend 8,000 to 10,000 calories or more during the race.” These numbers are staggering compared to most human’s daily calorie needs of 1,500 to 2,500 calories a day. In such cases, sports drinks are necessary in order to replace lost electrolytes and

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