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Nursing is a collaborative job that encompasses promoting health and well-being, preventing illness and treating the ill and dying. The nursing profession is not for everyone; it takes strong-willed individuals that understand the significance of putting other people’s lives in their hands. Most nurses come to work not knowing how their shift will turn out; as they must take on treating, saving, and caring for patients they possibly just met. As a nurse, I believe that passion for this job should never be lost, patience must be attained and exercised, and that there should always be a strong positive mental attitude on and off the job. These three beliefs have shaped my decision to become a nurse, what health and illness mean to
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The patients main goal is to get better; their health is extremely important to them and being in the hospital is not where they would like to be. The patients mental state is extremely important to consider; as being sick can have an adverse reaction to their body alongside whatever is making them sick or hurt. The textbook, Nursing: A concept-based approach to learning. (Vol. 1) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease.” (2015) A lot of factors influence a patient’s health, not just their sickness or injury. I believe that is what health is; a combination of peoples physical, mental, and social well-being. Combine those three factors with an injury or illness and it can determine how the patient’s body will react to healing and the injury itself. Illness can mean a lot of different things for people; some say they have an illness when they have a common cold while others, when thinking of illness, think of cancer or life-threatening diseases. For me, Illness is whatever disrupts the three factors that make up the health and well-being of someone. Being in a good mental state is extremely important for patients. Having less stressors in a patient’s life can greatly increase their recovery and mindset. Having adequate healthcare is a stressor that can have a great impact on …show more content…
People’s lives should not be debated on behind closed doors. There are understandably a lot of factors the general public does not understand about the logistics of providing exceptional universal healthcare without some negatives, but the need for people not to go bankrupt or fear that they won’t get adequate treatment is detrimental to their mental and physical health. Mary, Theodore, Jennifer, and George in The New England Journal of Medicine (2015) went so far as to suggest that there is no mention in the constitution about “health” or “heath care” although looking deeper a larger picture emerges. Both sides have valid points and negatives, but the end goal should always be the patient and when the patient cannot get adequate care due to finances then something needs to be
America is known for democracy, freedom, and the American Dream. American citizens have the right to free speech, free press, the right to bear arms, and the right to religious freedom to name a few. The Declaration of Independence states that American citizens have the rights including “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” America promises equality and freedom and the protection of their rights as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. But with all the rights and freedoms that American citizens enjoy, there is one particular area where the United States seems to be lacking. That area is health care. The United States is the only industrialized nation that doesn’t have some form of legal recognition of a right to health care (Yamin 1157). Health care reform in the United States has become a major controversy for politicians, health care professionals, businesses, and citizens. Those in opposition to reform claim that health care is not a human right, therefore the government should not be involved. Supporters of reform believe that health care is most definitely a human right and should be available to everyone in the United States instead of only those who can afford it, and that it is the government’s responsibility to uphold that right.
In recent years, the number of Americans who are uninsured has reached over 45 million citizens, with millions more who only have the very basic of insurance, effectively under insured. With the growing budget cuts to medicaid and the decreasing amount of employers cutting back on their health insurance options, more and more americans are put into positions with poor health care or no access to it at all. At the heart of the issue stems two roots, one concerning the morality of universal health care and the other concerning the economic effects. Many believe that health care reform at a national level is impossible or impractical, and so for too long now our citizens have stood by as our flawed health-care system has transformed into an unfixable mess. The good that universal healthcare would bring to our nation far outweighs the bad, however, so, sooner rather than later, it is important for us to strive towards a society where all people have access to healthcare.
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate my reflection and understanding in the Role of the Mental Health Nurse in an episode of care supporting and promoting the recovery of service users. According to the National institute for Mental Health (2004) recovery is a process to restore something or return to a state of wellness, is an achievement of quality of life that is acceptable to the person (Ryan 2012).
When I was working as a bedside nurse in the Emergency Department, in one of my duties I was not satisfied with the treatment plan made by a resident doctor for XYZ patient. He entered intravenous KCL (potassium chloride) for the patient. The purpose of that medication and its dose for that patient was not clear to me. I assessed patient history and came to know that a middle aged patient came with the complaint of loose bowel movements, vomiting, and generalized weakness. His GCS (Glasgow comma scale) was 15/15, looked pale but was vitally stable. I exactly do not remember about his previous disease, social or family history but I do remember that he was there with his son. According to the care plan, I inserted intravenous cannula, took blood
Reflection of the Practice and Prescribing of a Nurse Practitioner The laws and regulations of the practice and prescribing privileges of Advanced Practice Register Nurse Practitioner (APRN) in North Carolina is jointly regulated by North Carolina Board of Nursing and North Carolina Board of Medicine (NC Board of Nursing, 2016). These privileges can only be granted under a collaborative practice agreement (CPA) with a licensed physician. The CPA provides ongoing supervision and collaboration between the APRN and physician, however the APRN can practice independently, without direct supervision, under the CPA (NC Board of Nursing, 2016). North Carolina Board of Nursing (2016) states that the selection of drugs prescribed by a nurse practitioner
“The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival” (Aristotle, n.d.)
The following essay is a reflective paper on an event that I encountered as a student nurse during my first clinical placement in my first year of study. The event took place in a long term facility. This reflection is about the patient whom I will call Mrs. D. to protect her confidentiality. Throughout this essay I will be using LEARN model of reflection. I have decided to reflect on the event described in this essay since I believe that it highlights the need for nurses to have effective vital signs ‘assessment skills especially when treating older patients with complex medical diagnoses.
Developing confidence, and competence is a challenge faced by novice nurses (Morrell & Ridgway, 2014). Over the course of my nursing degree developing, and maintaining confidence in my clinical practice has always been a personal challenge. During my preceptorship placement, I have the opportunity to continue to cultivate my confidence, and prepare to begin my practice as an independent graduate nurse. In the reflection, I will discuss how I have gradually become a confident practitioner through my experiences in my clinical placement, and especially those in my preceptorship placement.
To improve my understanding of maintaining my capability for practice as a RN, I set a goal to learn in depth from my classes, related units, and through interacting with my friends and tutors. There were many setbacks on the way, but as I became more acquainted with the matter I began understanding better. In this reflection I’ll use Gibbs reflective cycle (Gibbs, 1988) to address my experiences as a student nurse in fulfilling the maintenance and capability for practice. Description Through tutorials, lectures and simulation classes every semester, our practice is enhanced and maintained so that the skills and knowledge we learnt is always nurtured while new ones are gained.
Reflective Practice is a continuous action that directly affects anyone who is a practitioner. Jasper (2006, p. 53) stated that the benefits to the profession are the development of the nursing knowledge base and the recognition that nurses are contributing to both patient care and improved practice. Further, Jasper (2006, p. 43) explains that Reflective Practice is the foundation upon which reflection and reflective learning are based.
I am working as a staff nurse at one of the Integrated Management System (IMS) accredited hospital in Sarawak since 2014. I qualified as a Registered Nurse with a Diploma in Nursing in year 2007. My first year I have been working in a multi-disciplinary ward. We cover a range of specialties including minor and major surgeries. The health care team in my ward consists of 1 Unit Manager, 20 staff nurses and 15 care assistants.
In this reflective essay, I will be using the Driscoll’s model of reflection to talk about how my knowledge of quality nursing care has improved since the commencement of this module. Quality nursing care has helped me develop various nursing strategies that will guide me in my first placement and throughout my career in nursing. Furthermore, it has taught me about communicating effectively with patients, I have learnt about verbal communication such as paraphrasing when communicating with patients to ensure that what said is properly understood. I have learnt not to make assumptions about patients and putting them in the middle of their care, taking into account their preferences.
Reflection is an essential component in the development of professional competencies and critical thinking skills in nursing practice. Reflection in the context of nursing, has been described as a way of exploring an experience in order to look for the prospect of other explanations and alternative methods to doing things. It is through reflection that one can evaluate and identify their strengths and weaknesses to encourage both personal and professional growth and development. In this paper, I will be discussing how student nurses learn and develop from reflection, the emotional response and self-awareness as a nurse, and the appropriate way to reflect as a nurse.
There is a famous saying that “health is wealth.” I believe that health is of utmost importance when it comes to living a quality life. I have always been stricken by the role that health plays in our lives, thus I have a passion for being a healthcare professional. In order to bring significant changes in the health status of people and promote positive health in the society, I have chosen nursing as a career where I can spread good health through love, care, and support. Recently, I have joined the nursing program at San Francisco State University, and the fact that I am doing nursing makes me feel terrific because it involves taking care, and maintaining health and wellbeing.