Passion, Patience and Positivity: My Journey Into Nursing

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Nursing is a collaborative job that encompasses promoting health and well-being, preventing illness and treating the ill and dying. The nursing profession is not for everyone; it takes strong-willed individuals that understand the significance of putting other people’s lives in their hands. Most nurses come to work not knowing how their shift will turn out; as they must take on treating, saving, and caring for patients they possibly just met. As a nurse, I believe that passion for this job should never be lost, patience must be attained and exercised, and that there should always be a strong positive mental attitude on and off the job. These three beliefs have shaped my decision to become a nurse, what health and illness mean to …show more content…

The patients main goal is to get better; their health is extremely important to them and being in the hospital is not where they would like to be. The patients mental state is extremely important to consider; as being sick can have an adverse reaction to their body alongside whatever is making them sick or hurt. The textbook, Nursing: A concept-based approach to learning. (Vol. 1) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease.” (2015) A lot of factors influence a patient’s health, not just their sickness or injury. I believe that is what health is; a combination of peoples physical, mental, and social well-being. Combine those three factors with an injury or illness and it can determine how the patient’s body will react to healing and the injury itself. Illness can mean a lot of different things for people; some say they have an illness when they have a common cold while others, when thinking of illness, think of cancer or life-threatening diseases. For me, Illness is whatever disrupts the three factors that make up the health and well-being of someone. Being in a good mental state is extremely important for patients. Having less stressors in a patient’s life can greatly increase their recovery and mindset. Having adequate healthcare is a stressor that can have a great impact on …show more content…

People’s lives should not be debated on behind closed doors. There are understandably a lot of factors the general public does not understand about the logistics of providing exceptional universal healthcare without some negatives, but the need for people not to go bankrupt or fear that they won’t get adequate treatment is detrimental to their mental and physical health. Mary, Theodore, Jennifer, and George in The New England Journal of Medicine (2015) went so far as to suggest that there is no mention in the constitution about “health” or “heath care” although looking deeper a larger picture emerges. Both sides have valid points and negatives, but the end goal should always be the patient and when the patient cannot get adequate care due to finances then something needs to be

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