Nursing Promotion: Advanced Practice Nurse

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Nursing Promotion
The advanced practice nurse (APN) will join a workforce with many other health professionals. Educated and trained, the APN will contribute to current practice and that includes safety measures to prevent patient harm, and provide more effective work that is financially more soluble. The Institute of Medicine has developed six aims for nursing, and eight recommendations to assist nursing in reducing errors, and providing more educated quality care. These aims also pave the way for the future nursing work force.
This is a dual-purpose aim, as medical practice is supposed to be safe for the practitioner and patient both. Safety in regard to the patient is the ability to not be accidentally harmed while receiving …show more content…

Each patient should experience the shortest wait possible for care with prompt sharing of test results. The inability to effectively manage time throughout the care experience reflects poorly on the one providing care, be it an individual or an institution. Timeliness also involves spending an appropriate amount of time with the patient (Institute of Medicine, 2001). The balance of time is difficult to spite current practices, and the APN will continue to face critique based on the timeliness of care.
Efficiency is also a part of timeliness, but is singular as well. Economically, the health care system needs to provide as much product or service for time or resources spent. Efficiency in the grand scheme means reducing waste, and reducing production costs. It is noted that some quality improvements do not result in fewer resources used, and can be applied to effectiveness in decreasing overuse (Institute of Medicine, 2001). The APN will be responsible for efficiency now and in the future. …show more content…

These recommendations promote the function to the broadest scope of nursing as a profession in practice. This is in response to the fact that nursing has a larger role, and more demanding role in healthcare.

Remove Barriers
The role of the advance practice nurse is called to expand, and envelope practice to the fullest extent. It is recommended, by the IOM, that services provided by APNs be fully reimbursed under Medicare. While some APNs have greater freedom in practice with pay equal to the work they do (IOM, 2011). This will affect all areas of advance practice, and provide a more knowledgeable group of greater numbers.
Expanded Opportunities, Nurse Residency
Advance practice nurses should have collaborative relationships in research with physicians and other health professionals. This relationship, while providing care, will be mutually beneficial and promote best practice through research efforts. This is also a call for health care organizations to provide support to APNs wanting to implement newer care models and

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