Mcdonaldization of the Health Care System

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To begin with, efficiency, with the aim of maintaining time for doctors take care of patients. Efficiency means the optimum method for getting from one point to another. For general out-patient clinics, making appointment is necessary before you get consultant. Doctors only spend around a few minutes consulting to a patient, and one case per each time in order to manage large amount patients who were waiting.

In addition, there is an accident and emergency service provides for public. Nevertheless, when patients arrive at the A&E Department, a trained triage nurse will help determining the relative priority due to patient's condition. There are five categories for nurse to classify such as critical (immediate treatment), emergency (waiting time within 15minutes), urgent (waiting time within a half hours), semi-urgent and non-urgent. Yet, it trend to be treated the triage nurse as a McDonald’s Customer Service Ambassador in charge of the system carries out smoothly and conveniently.

Apart from that, specialist out-patient clinics also have the same problem. In general, patients visit general out-patient clinic or private family doctors which were made referrals due to special cases. However, patients should register again and keep waiting for the specialist out-patient clinics.

It light of the evidence, a streamlined process without thinking so as to minimize the patients within limitation of time. Base on the given reference, it is probable that services seems diminish the time externally. In fact, patients seems are just waiting for help.
Predictability :
Predictability means the assurance that their products and services will be the same over time and it all locales. For general out-patient clinics, nurses will ask some st...

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...ctors? Besides, if a hospital works like this , doctors should equip with medical ethics such as, doctor should equip with autonomy of the individual, professional justice ,beneficence to everyone and non maleficent. Otherwise, it loss of meaning of this jobs. It is believed that most of the healthcare staff are enthusiastic. However, there are so many annoying social activities staff should attend but that is not include in their working scope.(醫者心) Therefore, even healthcare staff full of conscientious however it scattered the attention or energy by the social activities. Thus the quality of health care gradually decrease.(irrational non humanized)
As there was experienced trip to Kwong Wah Hospital for observation the situation inside the hospital. As we can see, due to triage or even shortage of sickbed, some patients was lying in front of the register counter.

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