Poverty and Health in Canada

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Culture defines how people relate with their colleagues and the people outside their world (OECD, 2003). Culture has a central role when it comes to the way humans behave. In this case, the doctors must learn how the culture of the society inclines to a particular issue of interest to them (Phipps, 2003). Having learned that, they would be in a better position to handle the patient with professionalism and simultaneously involve them to drive out most of the medical information they may need. Another way is having a physician for a particular patient whom the patient can share the problem with after they have established a good rapport. In creating a serene environment for them to dispel fears that they may have, and by create an interactive atmosphere (OECD, 2003). Patients will engage the physician in talks that will be useful in disclosing the information needed for the diagnosis. Allowing the patients to choose the scheduled time of when to make an appointment with the physician makes them feel welcome. The flexibility is increased significantly; besides, the fact is a personal commitment makes them feel the need to see the doctors for treatments. The clinics may also consider moving hospitals closer to their patients. Alternatively they may opt to have mobile clinics when they have the highest patient turn out and take treatment to those who feel they may otherwise not be able to afford treatment (Humphries & Eddy, 2000). Reminders also helps to increase the attendance rate since patients may fail to attend due to finances and busy schedules (Phipps, 2003). The advanced option makes things easier for the patients. Sometimes one may make a promise and fail to attend due to unavoidable circumstances including financial (Humphries & Eddy, 2000). In fact, when one promises something chances of fulfilling it becomes even slimmer. In the event the patient turns the next day and gets the physician, this improves the delivery. The patient would feel good when their day turns for the help for the clinic. The physician also would have more flexibility in their dealing. They would be dealing one case as it comes rather than waiting for the opportune time which may not finally come to happen. The backlog will be reduced. The most pressing issue and those which are not critical will be given the same attention under this system of advanced system.

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