Nursing Personal Statement Essay

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Mental health is a subject I have always had a keen interest in since working with adults living with dementia within a nursing care setting. Having been actively involved in such work has since inspired me to gain an education and knowledge that would support me to move forward with my ambition of becoming a practising nurse specialising in working with adults living with poor mental health. To be given the opportunity to study mental health nursing at university level will provide me with knowledge and essential experience for me to progress to reach my goal. Poor mental health can affect individuals and in turn families at any point in their life’s, I inspire to develop my abilities in supporting others to allow them to achieve a quality …show more content…

The modules within these courses have allowed me to understand the theory and apply this within the practice, I feel the skills I have gained from attending college full time will assist me to take the next step to study at university. Being giving the opportunity to participate in a practice placement working alongside nurses, I have experienced first-hand how demanding but also how fulfilling a nursing career can be, this has also made me more determined about pursuing a degree in mental health nursing. The skills I have gained and developed throughout my time on placement will be essential to ensuring patients receive the best possible care suited their individual needs when I am a practising nurse. These skills included being open and honestly through verbal and non-verbal communication, showing empathy and practising anti-oppressive practice. These transferable skills will continue to grow through more experience. My professional values and ethics have developed over the course of my studies and I feel these mirror the values outlined for

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