Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment Interview Analysis

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What is your IGN?: My current IGN is Fyruer. It may change in the future though. How old are you?: I am fifteen years old, I turned fifteen on the first of August. Current rank: My current rank is Silver. Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do have a microphone, it is a Sades SA-703 headset. What country do you live in?: I live in the United States. What timezone do you live in?: My timezone is Pacific Standards Time, or PST for short. What languages do you speak fluently?: I only speak English fluently, but I am currently studying Spanish and I know a decent amount of Spanish. Do you use Skype?(Don't post it here): Yes I do use Skype, but my microphone doesn't work as well there. What can you bring to the Staff team?: I could bring many …show more content…

Secondly, I would like to become a staff member because I miss staffing on Arson, I resigned due to some issues I had with the staff team at that time, but now since the staff members I did not get along with were demoted and or resigned, I would like to work with Arson again. I would also enjoy being a staff member because I find it fun to be able to have the permission and trust to be able to deal with hackers and or rule breakers and it makes me glad to know that I could help out the player …show more content…

I have also been Administrator on a few small soup and faction servers. These server did not have very many players, they ranged from about thirty to fifty players everyday, but then again this was my first experience with staffing, so of course I would not be staff on a server with a bunch of players. I have also owned my own soup server with some friends, this did not have very many players though, it had about ten to twenty players on daily, but I could not keep this server going due to insufficient funding. Do you know how to use our forums?: Yes, I am able to use the forums very easily, as well as navigating through them. How active can you be?: I am able to be very active, especially now since I am off of summer school. I am usually on for about six to eight hours, unless I have something important comes up that does not allow me to be online, but I will inform the staff team if anything like that happens. How long have you played Arson?: I have not been playing Arson for that long, I have been playing as a player since the beginning of map seven, but I staffed for all of map eight of Hardcore factions. Anything else we should know about you?: There is not really much you need to know about me, but I am a white male, and I have been on Minecraft for about four years. I am also able to

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