Personal Statement: Why We Should Be Staff

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should be staff because I am really confident, active, positive. I am also really responsible, independent and loyal. The reason I want to be staff is, FIRSTLY, there have been many hackers that have been ruining the fun for others who are actually legit. Hackers who use like (Huzuni, Vape Client) seriously ruin it. SECONDLY, people who are really toxic (saying L, LOL, 10 hearted, you're bad, go kys) things like that can actually take it seriously, I can help others avoid or reduce it is by, 1. Ignoring it, There really is no point in replying to that. The reason is to get a reaction out of it and you getting into a fight with the person. 2. Don't fight back, If you get called names, or people say things that aren't respectful or kind, you

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