No Dress Code In School

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Sappal 1 Ria Sappal Mr. Inouye MAPS/6 5 November 2014 No Dress Code In School Their are so many different ways people express themselves, some express themselves with music, their personality, hobbies, and others by how they dress. Everyone wears clothes, and it says a lot about a person and nothing is wrong with that. It makes everyone unique and special. Students choose what they wear to show who they are and what makes them happy. Rules of dress should not be dictated by schools. It is such a harmless thing that schools spend so much time picking at when their are much worse things they can be worrying about. Students need to be free to express who they are by what they wear with general restrictions to keep everyone appropriate. Long …show more content…

When the school tells girls they need to dress a certain way to no be distracting, that is telling them to change themselves to make sure they are not distracting. That is wrong because girls are more than just distractions." ( A compromise on dress code is reasonable. Clothing that is inappropriate should not be allowed. These days in society inappropriate dressing is a big deal and can be very distracting. A good dress code rule is no showing of any mid drift or private body parts. Everyone would be on the same page and the problems will lessen. People can show who they are and not have to be told who they are by what they wear just like our dress code …show more content…

On halloween boys wear short tight pants and everyone laughs and thinks it is hilarious, but when a girl does that it is automatic 3 demerits and the girl will get in huge trouble. "Dress codes just make women think that their bodies are tempting therefor it is their responsibility to cover up." ( Almost every parent sees what their child wear when the walk out of the house. It is not like a child will come to school in something completely distraught. People may say "it isn't a fashion show, you do not need to dress up for school." You do not just dress up outside of school to put on a fashion, so it is the same thing. It is not about it being a fashion show at all. It is about wearing whats comfortable on you, appropriate with the weather, and shows who you are. If you do not want to dress up for school, then you do not need

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