Negotiation Analysis

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Negotiation Negotiation is a discussion between two or more people with goal of reaching agreement on issues separating each party. This is also one of the important aspects of effective communication (Saner). Negotiation is also seen an art of persuading other person to consider your view or opinion. It also plays a major part in daily life whether it is professional or on a personal front. This has always been an area of improvisation all through my career as I lacked success in few instances to put my point and make others understand my perception. A good negotiator is someone who can develop variable styles to negotiation based on the occasion, relationship with the opposite party or the nature of conflict (Nankervis et al 2011, p 512). This skill will enable oneself to identify the situations thoroughly and act accordingly when things are related to emotions. There were times where I could not differentiate between what is right for me in that instance and gave more value to others emotions which have impacted my work deliverables. For example, there was a situation where one of the associate has approached me to share his load of work as he had to leave early on some personal work. I was already working on a task which might take longer complete in the stipulated timeframe but I failed to negotiate effectively regarding my load of work, instead I accepted his share of work too. However this has not impacted my career in negative way but not being able to negotiate well has definitely made me accept that extra load ultimately leading to stress at that moment. These kind of unpleasant circumstances talk volumes no matter what diminutive impact they have at that moment (Saner 2012, p. 88). Suc... ... middle of paper ... ...ess and mobilize the resources required to achieve both business and personal goals. Keeping this aspect in mind I am keen on applying the “Four steps to building a better Network” by Cross and Thomas (2011). Four steps to building a better Network: Analyse - The strategy begins with identifying the people around such as team members, colleagues and social associates and analysing benefits attained by interacting with them. De-layer - This step recommends scrutinizing the existing network and backing away from energy snapping and redundant relationships. Diversify - It is important to include energizers within our network and involve the right kind of people in order to achieve our goals. Capitalize - Finally it is essential to utilise network and contacts build up, in an effective and resourceful manner which benefits not only us but others as well.

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