Negative Social Media

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“Technology and social media have brought power back to the people.” Mark McKinnon. Social media has not only changed the way we live; they have also affected the way we interact. The concern that is being presented is whether social media has affected our society positively or negatively. The use of social media has developed our daily lives tremendously and the academic, social and health advantages of social media cannot be ignored.

People who are against Social media claim that social media has a lot of negative effects on students particularly their academic level. Although social media lead to the improvement in academic performance as through social media students can communicate with their teachers and colleagues who can help them in their studies, if a person wants to learn about a specific subject he or she can add people who have done masters in this field so if the person have any problem in the study he or she can ask them for their help and people on social media are very helpful. Students can also join the pages of the universities which they are planning to enter and adding their students and professors so they can inquire about the university and about its teaching techniques or whatever they want to ask about because people probably won’t turn down their request for help. Another academic benefit of social media is that social networking sites like my space, twitter and Facebook improve our writing and the English language in general as if any one posted a status on Facebook or a tweet on twitter with a spelling mistake people will probably correct it and social media also has raised the interest in short story telling which definitely develop the language a great evidence for the role of social media in the d...

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...uicide and Individual stories of people who have overcome suicidal ideations. A lot of social networking sites also provide new treatments for depression or other mental illnesses that can lead to suicide.
There is nothing that has advantages or disadvantages only. Everything created by human beings have both of them. It basically depends on the way how you are using that product. Same goes for the social media, but the advantages of social media overcome its disadvantages. Social media has contributed a lot for the development of the society academically by improving the students’ educational levels, socially by bringing people together and overcoming physiological disorders and also medically by creating health awareness among people “Like all technology, social media is neutral but is best put to work in the service of building a better world.” Simon Mainwaring.

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