Napping Research Paper

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An unrelenting wave of exhaustion washes over all of humanity each day, right around 1 p.m. The battle to stay awake is often lost, as students nod off in the midst of class, and adults attempt in vain to keep their eyes open through mind-numbing business presentations. In response to this universal somnambulance, people usually ingest caffeinated beverages and saccharine snacks to artificially boost energy levels. However, studies show that a more holistic solution lies in something simple, free, and extremely effective in staving off tiredness: napping. Taking an afternoon siesta greatly benefits health, cognitive ability, and maintaining focus and productivity. In the United States, high blood pressure is an extremely common health …show more content…

One notable believer in the power of siestas was Winston Churchill. During the course of World War II, Churchill took naps almost daily after lunch, and he stated that it increased productivity. (Source G) Others such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein adhered to the practice of napping. Additionally, Salvador Dali took rests before working on his art to stimulate creativity. Shown by these accomplished people, naps ensure productivity and focus. Aside from single individuals, companies and entire countries have removed the stigma that surrounds napping, as enemies of the habit often consider it a sign of laziness. Corporations such as Nike and Google have introduced a post-lunch nap period for their workers to refresh themselves before putting in a hard afternoon’s work. Additionally, the nation of Japan has completely overcome the idea that napping equates to indolence. When co-workers see one of their constituents resting their eyes, they respect them, because taking a rest shows that the individual wishes to apply themselves to their work as fully as possible. Japan is an extremely productive and efficient nation, therefore naps contribute to …show more content…

However, this is simply not so. Productivity lags among sleep deprived workers, so abstaining from a nap would be a net loss, as individuals would be forced to slog through the rest of their day at a greatly reduced level of effectiveness. After a nap, even one of only 20 minutes, workers feel refreshed and ready to attack their work with renewed vigor. In the long term, this boost in energy will yield greater results than if they were to simply deny themselves the rest which they so dearly need. With innovative and advanced corporations such as Nike and Google embracing the importance of naps, they prove to be a net positive for businesses, and more companies should adopt this practice to improve their

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