Napping On The Night Shift Summary

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Napping on the Night Shift: A Two-Hospital Implementation Project

The purpose of this article is nurses who work the night shift or 12 hours shift, fall asleep between 0200 hours to 0500 hours, so they can assess the barriers to successful implementation of the night- shift naps and to describe the nap experiences of night shift nurses who took naps. In this two-hospital pilot implementation project, napping on the night shift was offered to six nursing units for which the executive nursing leadership had given approval. Unit nurse managers’ ap­proval was required, and where approved, further clarification was given to the unit’s staff nurses. A nap expe­rience form, which included the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, was used to review pre-nap sleepiness level, nap duration and perceived sleep experience, post-nap sleep inertia, and the perceived helpfulness of the nap. Nurse Managers and staff nurses were also interviewed at the end of the three-month study period. Parts of the questionnaire are who should nap? Where should naps occur?, How long should a nap be?, What time should naps be taken?, …show more content…

Barriers primarily occurred at the point of seeking the unit nurse managers’ approval. On the suc­cessful unit, 153 30-minutes naps were taken during the study period. These data suggest that when barriers to napping are overcome, napping on the night shift is feasible and can reduce nurses’ workplace sleepiness and drowsy driving on the way home. Addressing nurse managers’ perceptions of and concerns about napping may be essential to successful implementation Inclusion these data suggest that when barriers to napping are overcome, napping on the night shift is feasible and can reduce nurses’ workplace sleepiness and drowsy driving on the way home. Addressing nurse managers’ perceptions of and concerns about napping may be essential to successful

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