Mythology Task IV

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“He was like a rooster who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.” By this George Eliot meant that he who believe the universe revolves around his or her self are very arrogant and egocentric. This analysis of egocentric and arrogant people is sound. The mythological characters Arachne and Phaeton relate to this quote because they are both egocentric and arrogant.
In the quote, George Eliot explains that people who believe they are the best, like the universe revolves around them, are arrogant and egocentric. Arrogant is an adjective meaning having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. Egocentric, which is also an adjective, means thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered. A rooster who thinks the sun has risen for him to hear him crow believes he is more important than the sun. That he is above everyone. He doesn't believe that he crows when the sun rises. Clearly, he believes he is superior to the rest.
Phaeton, another mythological character, also relates to the rooster because of his arro...

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